Example sentences of "[coord] then [pers pn] get [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We were kept in the police station for a couple of days and then we got remanded to Low Newton .
2 And then we got know the go and get myself out of Marks and Spencers this weekend which for menswear particularly it was very dowdy .
3 He offered to show me , but Alain nearly went berserk and then we got interrupted .
4 So she said , and then we got undressed she said , and I got in bed in my er my vest and knickers and th and the lady said where 's your pyjamas ?
5 I 've lived in streets — needless to say , in NW1 — where I and my husband were the only people who were married with children from the same person — and then we got divorced .
6 from carrying too much weight and then they get hooked and they press them down and runs right down this leg .
7 The night of the Spring Ball arrives , Carrie looks beautiful , she 's being escorted by the nicest possible person and then they get elected as King and Queen of the Spring Ball !
8 wait and wait and then they get fed up do n't they ?
9 And their bride has to wear er , all in red and er the bridegroo er groom has to wear a long costume with a red big flowers in front i aha and then they get married and there 's erm band , the Chinese traditional band with drums and trumpets blowing all the time and er , all the guests have a very nice time .
10 and then they get interrupted and you wish , you know , you wish they had n't .
11 And then they get divorced !
12 You get couples who shop together and then they get addicted to your car boot , and they want everything and it 's quite amusing .
13 But they produce energy and then they get clogged up , they sort of get blocked so they ca n't
14 And er we were on that for about an hour or so and then they got rid of the the badly injured were taken off then and put on the Therris it 's support vessel that was Just happened to be there at the time .
15 Well we the E E C started off with the water filtrations and air products and then they got tied up with an American outfit doing fuel savers , magnets for your car .
16 It was something that he and I talked about over a two-year period , and then he got hit with throat cancer a little over a year ago .
17 We started the gradual process of bringing him back into work , hoping that he had been through all his disasters in one go : first he cut himself and had to be stitched , and then he got kicked on the hock .
18 Oh he 's terrible there , he even had them he had young girls working for him up there , and they found out they were paying he was paying them too little and then he got caught up with 'em , and erm what he done after he charged for taking them up there in the morning and charged 'em for taking them down in the evening with a Land Rover .
19 Papa did n't know what to do , and then he got talking to some of his cronies , and he decided on a Grand Scheme .
20 And then he got pissed off because erm the cigarette business , right .
21 And then he got arrested for summat , and now he 's in prison .
22 As I say , if you by the time you get home and then you got to exercise them erm and then you 've got to get back and feed them and then feed yourself and keep warm and think of you know , what you got to wear the next day the time 's gone !
23 Because I think it was Tommy that said it was really after the one finished and there was nothing else round about that there was a gap of a few years and then you got started again here .
24 And then you got to send it off .
25 And then you get getting neeps and getting and onto the ploughing and than .
26 And then you get fed up .
27 First they send you all round the town and then you get processed into a system with thousands of other people and it does n't feel at all like driving to a town on the coast and just getting on a boat .
28 And then you get blamed for not passing on the message , when in fact you 've done your best .
29 And then you get put in a new place and you got to start all over again , finding where things are and making friends and that .
30 There again , that 's the best of both worlds ; I have a chance to go out and play stadiums and arenas and then I get to go home and go back to the way I was , although with a lot more experience under my belt .
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