Example sentences of "[coord] then [pron] would have " in BNC.

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1 And then everything would have been different .
2 The only difference then would have been that he would have had to sign , and then we would have had to wait two more weeks ; and I 'll tell you , it 's interesting , with the bill the way it 's written , to put that on the Carrington case would have meant his being alive and suffering two more weeks and honestly , I would have had to do something like that in two weeks , probably because we 'd have to work hard on him .
3 He was n't here very much , as you know , but we were looking forward to the end of his army service and then we would have settled here . ’
4 But we could find that all of them were worth doing and then we would have to consider comparative advantages .
5 Between there and the A fifty nine to the east , we would have one single er arrow or triangle and then we would have another arrow or triangle between the A sixty one and the A fifty nine to the west of Harrogate and similarly another arrow between the A fifty nine and the A sixty one south of the A fifty nine , down to A sixty one south of Harrogate .
6 And then we would have to have another think
7 Ted might decide he does n't like me any more , that I laugh too loudly or drink too much of his beer , and then we 'd have to get a tent .
8 Every now and then we 'd have to climb a huge wall , or jump a ditch , or crawl through a barrel .
9 Make a half we 'd make a half out of the six twelfths and then we 'd have three left over make a quarter so it 'd be a half add a quarter that 's what nine twelfths would come to .
10 And then we 'd have to come here tomorrow to deal with the car .
11 A massive great big flask of coffee and when we got there we stopped and had a sandwich and a coffee , and we 'd go in the club , set all up and we 'd sit quiet and then we 'd have a quiet drink would n't we ?
12 I mean , we , we used to have , like , we 'd have meat come twice a week , they 're the butchers , and then we 'd have coming , maybe , erm , once a week , and then like the dry goods , er , erm , we 'd have another day , where erm , you know , you have different things , basically coming every day .
13 They had prepared themselves for an unpleasant scene in which the wretched boy , stuffed to the gills with chocolate cake , would have to surrender and beg for mercy and then they would have watched the triumphant Trunchbull forcing more and still more cake into the mouth of the gasping boy .
14 Yes and then they 've were forked up in the carts , what the bogeys are nowadays , and then they would have made stacks and stack yet .
15 I mean you mi then you might have said , well actually I want someone here a bit quicker and then they would have done something else .
16 Normally they would have waited until such time as the national ballot had been held and then they would have taken the appropriate action afterwards .
17 So you 've got your graph now and then they 'd have a question on it and they might say , Erm what would be the weight with five engines ?
18 And then they 'd have a big auction for a few pounds where Dad used to do the auctioning and since he was a sergeant major one could hear his voice .
19 And then they 'd have the funeral at twelve and then they would walk .
20 and just keep them on meagre wages and then they 'd have to subsidize themselves or
21 But if you do find an area where you could save a key person several hours a day , then that is real money saved where he could be using his special expertise in his business to get more business , and then one would have to look more closely at erm the particular application , particular jobs that he 's doing and that could be put on the computer .
22 I mean it could have been different it could have got out of control and then everybody would have turned and pointed a finger and that would have been awful .
23 Adam only wished Uncle Hilbert had left him Wyvis Hall and then there would have been no Ecalpemos , no Zosie , and no deaths .
24 They 'd just have complained to Mrs Goreng about me , and then there would have been hell to pay .
25 She would issue the new instructions regarding strangers and then she would have to see Mr Lee about a permanent bodyguard here in the house , someone who would blend in … a manservant .
26 I told you at the time to stick out and then she would have to get a housekeeper in .
27 If Kirsty had fallen ill once they were down in London she would have been forced to stay there until she 'd recovered — and then she would have been in serious trouble , not only with Jake but with the law as well .
28 For two pins there and then she would have summoned the two black-jacketed men who stood sentry on the door every evening , ready to eject any troublemakers .
29 If she ever believed that of him , she would weaken , give in to the powerful attraction , and then she would have to admit there were emotions behind that attraction , emotions that would lead her into heartbreak .
30 I used to have Physics at half-nine and every now and then she 'd have an accident in the road so I 'd be running home , changing her and taking her back to nursery , which would mean I 'd be half an hour late .
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