Example sentences of "[coord] when he [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 Chris 's sister-in-law loved the baby and when he died she was so upset she told Chris that little Tommy had never had a chance .
2 And when he came she went , in passive silence , to his bedroom , took off her clothes at his direction lay down on his bed , her arms above her head , her body outstretched and unresisting , and closed her eyes .
3 ‘ She met some guy in there that day , some guy she used to go with , and he must 've said something because the next thing anyone knew , she was screaming at him , Pete was in the bar the morning after , he said the window was all over the floor , apparently she 'd thrown an ashtray at the guy and it had missed and taken the whole window out instead , and when he took her by the arm and tried to calm her down , she shook him off and ran out of the bar , right out in the street , and like I said , it was the bottom of a hill and there was a truck coming — ‘
4 She loved everything about this man , and when he took her she tried to stifle the cry of pain .
5 She 'd offered to lend him the money to have the bike fixed , and when he accepted she said , ‘ I 've broken something precious , have n't I ? ’ and knelt in the street among the bits of glass , looking up at him as if she understood it was more than a lamp she had smashed .
6 Desdemona is not a whore , he is not ‘ Justice ’ ( V.ii.17 ) , and when he kills her — ‘ I that am cruel am yet merciful ’ ( 90 ) — we see that he has even learned Iago 's trick of euphemism ( cf.
7 it did not pacify Madge , he wrote , and when he told her they could have another go at it the following month she told him she had had enough .
8 He said he had , and when he told her , he said , she seemed to relax all over .
9 A silver fish-hook tangled in his curls , dangled by Izzie , and when he woke she was tugging gently on his hair .
10 Close to , she discovered , Pete smelled of carbolic soap , a dreadful turn-off , and when he kissed her in the dark it was so wet and sloppy she longed only to search for her handkerchief and wipe her mouth dry .
11 Shae leaned against him , dizzied by the mental pictures he was creating , and when he kissed her the touch of his lips sent a scorching heat right through her .
12 Not many women reach her years and have as much — for everything he can imagine her wanting he hastens to provide ; and it is bestowed as if she were a young and lovely creature at her first ball , and when he helps her down the stairs or into a taxi — for she is getting frail — he turns her into Gloriana .
13 Mrs Cullam did n't even look at him and when he asked her at what time her husband had come home on Friday night she said laconically , ‘ Quarter past eleven . ’
14 But Sophia herself made no complaint , and when he asked her if she would like him to give up everything and come here to be with her , she smiled , and shook her head .
15 But Sophia herself made no complaint , and when he asked her if she would like him to give up everything and come here to be with her , she smiled , and shook her head .
16 She 'd fancied him for ages and when he asked her out she managed to keep her cool even though she felt faint .
17 All she knew was that Alain was there , holding her , kissing her , his caresses making her faint , and when he lifted her in his arms she curled against him , her lips trailing soft kisses against his strong neck .
18 He kidnaps her in the hope that she will accept and return his affections and when he ties her up the sexual and emotional metaphors of the title abound .
19 When , in well-cut white satin and glycerine tears , she sobbed , Oh but Daddy I do love him , I do love him , he still tried to reason with her ; but then when he saw her hitching up the satin and running across the lawn , throwing off the veil , scattering the astonished wedding guests as she ran , and when he saw her jumping into a truck , not caring that she was getting petrol stains all over her broderie anglaise , jumping into a truck and not with the man they all expected her to love , but with the one she really loves , and then driving off with him in a cheap pickup truck to a motel in Wisconsin , shouting out , Goodbye Father , Goodbye Father ! as she goes ; well when he saw her doing that then Boy could not bring himself to disapprove .
20 She was a little way from Alexei , and when he saw her riding off the offworlder reined around after her .
21 And when he saw her copulating with Kemp …
22 He carried a phone , and when he saw her he held it out to her .
23 He looked too uninterested , and when he saw her watching him he avoided her eyes .
24 Mr Tweddle said the driver parked while his wife went into a shop and when he saw her returning he started the car and reversed .
25 He was talking to himself as she approached and when he saw her he immediately huddled further into the doorway .
26 He picked up her hand and put it on his cock ; then placed his own hand over hers and made her squeeze ; it was hot , even under the rough material of his trousers , and rolled about clumsily over the squidgier sack of his balls ; but he was panting , making stirring motions with his knees against her legs , working with his free hand at his waistband , until he freed himself from his flies and had wrapped her hand around his naked cock ; he spat on his hand and worked the spittle onto the skin , and when he made her hold him again , she felt the wetness on her fingers , and drying fast as he pumped himself up and down over her hand , pinning her hand under his .
27 All the time he slept she lay there longing acutely for him to go , and when he did she felt the most immense relief and vowed that now she had escaped his presence she would never never put herself in that position again .
28 There was just a tiny blot on her happiness , and that was the knowledge that one day this man would want to settle down , and when he did she felt sure he would choose the companion of his last four years , the pretty Victoria .
29 She began to moan as he caressed her trembling body , and when he entered her she cried aloud as though in great pain .
30 She flung herself on Wexford , yelping frenetically , and when he pushed her away , ran round him in circles , wildly gyrating her tail and flapping her knitted ears .
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