Example sentences of "[coord] who [vb past] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The subjects in one of the trials referred to were patients in whom pain control was inadequate or who had appreciable side effects , which is why the cerebrospinal fluid was accessed .
2 Shaikhs collected money from members of their lineages to support those who had no other support , or who had heavy expenses of certain kinds ( educational or medical , but not business expenses ) which they could not meet ; but these were in no sense an attempt to redistribute resources .
3 Those who held forth in the Royal Institution in the second half of the nineteenth century , or who addressed large audiences at the British Association or its equivalents in other countries , were confident ; and they had reason for their confidence .
4 The number of voters who cited social issues as their top priority ‘ or who claimed such issues were ‘ extremely important ’ to their voting decision , hardly varied at all throughout the campaign .
5 A person who was swept along by the crowd ( in a literal bodily sense ) , or who encountered unexpected barriers when attempting to comply with police conditions , would be able to avail himself of this defence .
6 Existing members of pension schemes set up prior to the 1989 Budget or who joined established schemes before 1 June 1989 may not be affected by the rule and may be entitled to a higher tax-free lump sum .
7 Adam Smith believed that competition among capitalists would give the public the opportunity to compare the quality and prices of goods , so that producers who were inefficient or who charged excessive prices would be put out of business .
8 The following afternoon Heather called for Shirley , who was in her Six and who lived two doors away from her , and asked her to go with her to Olinton Farm to get some butter .
9 In 1934 , after this marriage was dissolved , he married Dorothy Vernon , with whom he had settled in 1930 , and who had one son of her own .
10 The latter is an unusual work because it is about people who really lived at a particular period and who had particular relationships with each other .
11 The latest addition to our English-speaking group was a Rhodesian who had served in the Rhodesian Light Infantry in the war of Independence and who told endless stories of shooting black terrorists , or ‘ floppies ’ , in cross border raids into Zambia .
12 Clearly , the man who had overthrown the Somoza dictatorship ten years earlier , who first killed a man when he was in his mid-teens , and who spent seven years in jail , was getting advice from a higher source .
13 There was a man who 'd just lived through an explosion underground , who turned round and sawed off Pengilly 's injured leg smack smooth , who passed the night forging a banker 's letter of credit , and who spent next day drawing wool over the eyes of the Manchester & leeds directors .
14 One of the pupils of Northampton High School to achieve distinction was Bernard L. Pitcher , who was born deaf and who received six years of private tuition before entering the school .
15 But , by exploring the aspirations and motivations of groups of blacks who were highly charged and who brought extraordinary energy to their chosen tasks , I thought I might find some clues as to the kinds of things which move black kids : what makes them tick .
16 Frank Salter , the District Treasurer from 1918 , believed that financial appeals for new income in a sparsely populated region with a low wage economy and high unemployment , was an insuperable task and in 1931 he was succeeded by Lionel Elvin , Fellow of Trinity Hall , as the District 's honorary treasurer , and who brought much vigour and commitment to resolving the perennial financial problem .
17 In the end of American officers were rescued by the intervention of one of Khomeini closest associates , Ibrahim Yazdi , who had been with him in exile and who became foreign minister .
18 And who took that decision ?
19 So , for example , a man with a diastolic blood pressure ( the pressure when the heart is filling ) of 90 mm of mercury ( 90 mm Hg ) and who smoked 30 cigarettes a day , would be entered if his serum cholesterol was 295 mg/ 100 ml ( 7–63 mmol/l ) or more .
20 In the simplest version of this concept the UK imported raw materials which , together with indigenous materials ( especially coal and iron ) , were transformed by British workers whose diet depended on imported staple foods ( especially cheap grain ) and who produced high quality and low cost manufactured goods which were sold abroad to pay , in part , for the primary imports .
21 Of these the most important was Theodore Robinson , who did become a close friend of the painter , and who produced some paintings of the haystacks on which Monet was working at the time , which are almost indistinguishable from those of the master .
22 Here are commemorated the Scots of the 51st ( Highland ) Division who set out , pipes playing , on that morning of 1st July and who suffered high casualties .
23 there was no duty of care owed by the owners of an oil rig to a rescuer who was found not to be a man of ordinary fortitude and phlegm and who suffered psychiatric injuries from experiences during a rescue operation when an oil rig went on fire .
24 Some form of custody — whether in hospital or in prison is a moot point — is required to give peace of mind to the people who gave evidence and who displayed much courage and fortitude in so doing .
25 The material new facts that have emerged involve new evidence from certain officers who were present on the night of the crime and who witnessed certain things .
26 And who made this telephone call ? ’
27 David Cooper of Genetic Resources Action International , based in Barcelona , pointed out that it was farmers in West Africa who first noted the resistance of some varieties of cowpea to insects and who nurtured superior varieties that carried this characteristic .
28 The participants at the Geneva meeting included one lawyer and sixteen physicians or biologists involved in research on , and who provided clinical services with , the new reproductive technologies .
29 But here too there is a danger of distortion : occupants who were very poor but lived in a house with masonry foundations , surrounded by heaps of discarded food debris , and who used poor quality pottery ( fragments of which would survive ) might well appear to have had better living conditions than the richer occupants of a site who lived in a large timber-built house , using high-quality wooden and leather vessels ( which would not usually survive ) , and were able to employ servants to remove debris from the immediate vicinity of the house .
30 Included were adults whose primary disabilities were physical and permanent and who needed daily assistance from carers or other professionals or non-professional helpers .
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