Example sentences of "[coord] then she [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And then she might meet another one like the one today .
2 She is my maid and her fingers are much smaller than yours and then she 'll want to put a salve on it and … ’
3 I ca n't wait until I 'm out of here and then she 'll feel the full force of my wrath …
4 Mhm and then she 'll feel she 's not had anything for Christmas .
5 and then she 'll start running away Stephen .
6 I can imagine her in the church in her long white dress … and then she 'll go away !
7 And then she 'll miss all those amazingly absorbing dinner parties with great heads of states like Billy Bubongoronga from Back-of-Beyond province or whatever .
8 Give your secretary some time today and then she 'll do her best for you .
9 We come back from fetching the children together , and then she 'll stay till about 6.30 .
10 And then she 'll sleep she wo n't sleep actually in the airing cupboard , she 'll sleep so the door 's wide open and she 's half way across the la , and she sleeps you know
11 Then she 'll open the curtains and look out to see what the weather 's like , and then she 'll say summat like ‘ How about a walk , Billy ? ’ or ‘ Jigsaw weather today , hen . ’
12 let her think a little longer because and then she 'll say , oh !
13 you can wait because er it 'd , it 'd be time , she 'll have eaten up and then she 'll say ooh I 'll have another round I have n't had any
14 One more fall and she 'll break her hip again and then she 'll die .
15 What if I write it on your forehead and then she 'll see it wo n't she ?
16 The WPC here will take down what you say and then she 'll read it back to you , and you 'll be able to change anything you may have got wrong .
17 We 'll hear nothing until it runs out , and then she 'll put the tap on you again .
18 I mean she 'll put it in the proper procedure , and then she 'll put like operator performance and things , that have erm .
19 Or you might win the action and then she 'll have to pay you .
20 And then she 'll have some explaining to do .
21 What about that , but I meant she got ta think about , she 'll want children of own and then she 'll have chi
22 er Easter , so and then she 'll have I think three weeks Easter
23 I thought well he 's better off going to nurse and then she 'll get that magnifying glass and have a look .
24 And then she 'll come home some days and discover the place chockablock with students or three birds in bed with him or something .
25 That 's where he 's away this weekend to her place , and then he 's going next weekend because there 's some wedding do or something er so he 's to go next weekend , he goes there , stays with her parents and then she 'll come down the weekend after that and stay at our house .
26 And then she 'll take you apart bit by bit in this very park when all the teachers have slunk off home .
27 She would get through the next few days of being in the same house as Piers and then she would leave , and she would somehow get through the rest of her life without him .
28 It was better this way ; somehow she would manage to see Dana before Roman did , and then she would leave and take up her life as it had been before she had met Roman almost a week ago .
29 And then she would speak to you and you would feel this huge surge of adrenalin . ’
30 And then she would make coffee for my mother .
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