Example sentences of "[coord] would [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If piece-rates were lowered in an attempt to boost output then presumably workers would take other jobs , or would switch to another merchant .
2 I have no doubt that a brilliant article will appear but I am not at all fooled that someone of your peculiar talents would either be asked or would agree to such an easy exercise .
3 It was to be a ballad based on the supernatural , as were other popular ballads of the time , and would retell in lively narrative and simple verse form an old mariner 's hypnotic tale .
4 However , Richard Amos , the youth worker , continues to put considerable effort into the work of the youth club and would welcome with open arms any volunteers to join those already helping .
5 And I think this inward investment that Professor Lock is referring to and the scale of investment that he is referring to must be considered as additional and and would draw in additional jobs .
6 It was suggested that " such units should be part of the psychiatric service and would compare with continuing care units ' of the geriatric service . "
7 They were four-and-three-quarter inches long , and would fit onto most machines , but gave only a few seconds extra time .
8 The figures came after a tough warning from Mr Major that plans for constitutional change backed by Labour and the Liberal Democrats threatened to sap Britain 's strength and would lead to weak , indecisive government .
9 I think that to support this motion would be extremely unfortunate and would lead to potential disaster , not for the county council but indeed for the Highfields community .
10 The removal of these would have a small but direct effect by increasing trade between EC countries and would lead to secondary effects of lower prices and incentives to increase investment .
11 But yesterday members of Cleveland County Council 's develop control sub-committee agreed the application was contrary to the county structure plan and would result in increased traffic congestion .
12 As provided for in the relevant legislation passed in February 1991 [ see p. 38018 ] , six of the judges were Czech citizens and six Slovak citizens ; they were chosen by the President from lists submitted by the federal and the two republican parliaments and would serve for seven-year terms .
13 He then telephoned the shop and warned the staff that two bombs had been placed and would explode within 10 minutes .
14 The 80-seat Majlis would consist of Supreme Soviet deputies and representatives of political parties , and would sit until fresh elections on Dec. 6 , 1992 .
15 The relative behaviour of these two levels would reflect contemporary and past erosion systems and would vary from humid tropics to semi-arid and arid landscapes .
16 It was planned that the new accommodation would be furnished very basically and would offer at minimum charge , a camp bed or mattress , blankets , and basic cooking facilities on production of the membership card of a central organization .
17 The universe would reach a maximum size at the equator and would contract with increasing imaginary time to a single point at the South Pole .
18 Such aid would commence as soon as possible and would continue in 1991 .
19 Hillary became obsessed with climbing mountains as a young lad in his native New Zealand and would go to extraordinary physical lengths to pursue his hobby .
20 They also had a deep suspicion about anyone wearing a bandage and would go to great lengths to find out why one was really wearing it .
21 Romania 's first cellular phone network will be launched this week under a deal with Spain 's Telefonica de Espana SA , Reuter reports from Bucharest : ‘ Starting April 5 , our cellular phones will become operational in the Romanian capital Bucharest , ’ Florin Rusu , executive manager of Telefonica Romania SA said ; the cellular network will initially operate in a range of 20 miles in and around Bucharest , and would spread to all Romania 's main cities within the next four years ; Telefonica holds a 60% stake in the company , local partners the rest .
22 but how ever it is compiled it would run contrary to the principles which my Noble Friend Lord Motterstone and my Noble Friend Lord Rippon have already stated and would stated in all parts of the House .
23 He would not miss so plain a possibility , but he could and would refrain from entertaining and proceeding on it until more is known .
24 ‘ A planning approval on this six-acre site would enable the existing 110 jobs to be safeguarded , an extra 70 jobs to be created , and would allow for further expansion in the future . ’
25 One , the unforgettable ‘ incantation ’ , the ‘ melody ’ and ‘ tune ’ of the services — things which were deeply rooted in his soul , and would reappear with striking force through his music and songs ; and two , his distancing himself from its strictly religious aspects .
26 Thus the matter inside the black hole would be trapped and would collapse to some unknown state of very high density .
27 The document then put forward three possible options : the setting up of a small central body , along the lines of Model A in the English Green Paper , which would have a majority of its membership from Welsh local authorities ; a Model B type central body which would disburse government funds in Wales and would take from local authority control the colleges providing a significant amount of higher education , including teacher training ; and the direct association in Wales of the solution adopted in England through the setting up of a Welsh sub-committee of the main organization .
28 The foreign intelligence operations were now to be conducted by a new and as yet unnamed state agency separate from the KGB ( although Primakov was also named first deputy chair of the KGB ) , and would concentrate on national security and on monitoring the international drugs trade and terrorism .
29 Modules in other academic courses — Such courses would be one module in duration and would concentrate on those aspects of EP of more direct relevance to the host subject .
30 The Government remained committed to low inflation and would keep to strict public spending limits .
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