Example sentences of "[coord] there would [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But where the defect or fault should have been detected during normal maintenance , this would not constitute a defence and there would probably be an offence under the appropriate Construction and Use Regulations .
2 A sniff of tea , a whiff of biscuits , and there would soon be a crowd .
3 A single customs tariff ( set as a pre-condition by the European Communities for reaching a commercial accord with the GCC ) would come into effect by 1993 and there would eventually be monetary unification .
4 The visitor would understandably back off quickly and there would either be pandemonium or an utter , stunned silence .
5 Even in the case of a screening programme ( when doing nothing is a real option ) some cases would be found even in the absence of any organised service and there would also be the costs of treating disease as and when it occurred .
6 The countryside would be protected further by the reduction of inputs used in intensive farming , and there would also be a net saving of energy .
7 If there was no relationship at all , the spread of the residuals would be the same as originally , and there would thus be no reduction ; we would say that there was no correlation between the two variables .
8 It was race , and there would never be peace while that discrimination lasted .
9 i i i in a sense it is a , it is a shift to the left because under the May the fourth directive erm rich peasants in particular would 've been left out of it altogether and there would still be some landlords who were , who would maintain their property but , but now he 's shifted to the left and this , this does represent a further attack on landlords cos , cos everybody comes down to the same level .
10 The scale of the problem is such that £94m could be spent in Middlesbrough alone and there would still be housing need in that town .
11 They would remain subject to general company law and there would still be a third member of the board , the club secretary , who could in no way be called a cat 's paw .
12 Husband or wife do get excluded for instance because the marriage has not been a particularly happy one erm and there would therefore be no particular one why the deceased would leave anything to spouses erm but it 's worth saying so if that 's the case , to prevent an action coming along and saying Oi why am I not being there , why have I been left out ?
13 And there would certainly be no commercial benefits if Anglo-Welsh were to substitute their own products for those of Palatine .
14 They would bring their relations , too , and there would always be visiting preachers and singers who used to stay in the dale — we would always find room for our special visitors .
15 The dead were consumed by cleansing fire at a ceremony which every Renascian was bound to attend and there would usually be a carefully arranged display of the dead person 's life and a small booklet telling about his life and his work , nearly always written by Snizort and Snodgrass in gentle and tactful collaboration with the bereaved family .
16 A difference in the difficulty of the pre-training tasks might be enough in itself to generate a difference between the groups in the ease with which the test problem is learned , and there would then be no need to suppose that the learning of specific distinctive labels is the critical factor .
17 And there would then be a discussion section session .
18 Alternatives would be offered in the curriculum plan but there would also be opportunity for many other alternatives hopefully designed at teachers ' workshops .
19 Not only would jobs be provided directly , but there would also be additional employment generated in the components industry and in ancillary services .
20 A comparable dry desert area of the arctic might yield a similar selection of cryptogams , but there would probably be up to a dozen species of flowering plants scattered among them .
21 The sort of girls who would quickly come to the fore are the sort of Malory-Towers-Swallows-and-Amazons type ; practical down to earth and capable , but there would probably be many unlike that who would be perfectly handless when it came to organisation and practicalities .
22 We might never be able to take apart the atomic clock to see its wheels and springs , but there would still be the metaphysically soothing thought of its steady ticking .
23 Erm , I heard Mr Curtis say that the shortfall of affordable houses was seven hundred , he had a target of two thousand two hundred and felt they could find fifteen hundred somewhere already , so another shortfall of of seven hundred that actually contrasts with para' four one one of the one eleven should I say , four one eleven , of the York housing strategy , which has been submitted , and appendix four of the York evidence which actually says that , yes there 's a two thousand two hundred target , but there would still be a shortfall of about one thousand one hundred dwellings if this land , they 're talking about land that they own outside of York , is developed for affordable housing .
24 But there would never be any doubt about my firmness and authority . ’
25 But there would never be another chance , not in fourteen years .
26 The return journey was supposed to start at half past three but there would always be a few people missing .
27 It is true that relief from the parish might be obtained in case of distress , but there would always be those whose pride would forbear them from applying for the pittance — at least they would avoid the humiliating and rigorous means test .
28 The universe would then go on to expand and cool just like the hot big bang model , but there would now be an explanation of why the universe was expanding at exactly the critical rate and why different regions had the same temperature .
29 Instead of sending back to Britain for a , a part , they took it off an old tank you see , and on that had been part was still all right you see , but the tank was er useless but there would maybe be a bit of the track alright , so we cannibalized them .
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