Example sentences of "[coord] there be [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A lot of men are distraught at not being able to give birth and there 's little to be done about that .
2 and there 's that on the floor , there 's a couple of loads there
3 and there 's more of a justified presence .
4 And there 's more to be cooked up yet .
5 Frosty you li you like these chips do n't you and there 's more in it so that 's a mild one .
6 And there 's some of baby Jesus in his bed with all these cows and sheep and stuff looking at him all gentle like .
7 Yeah , no no no you go off Deptford High Street it 's got this big sign says do not enter flashing lights you go down this alleyway and there 's this like tramp just sort of spit in your face going urgh off with you you laddie , right ?
8 And there 's half of baked potato in the fridge if you can scoop it out of the skin and heat it up .
9 ‘ The music scene is very male dominated and there is little for the girls ’ he said .
10 This has been so for decades and there is little on the horizon that threatens to curtail it .
11 Shaw 's wit and good humour are at their most engaging in this play , his analysis of language and class characteristically acute , and there is little of the wilful perversity that so often mars his drama .
12 But its use is not by any means the main function of the books in which it may be necessary , and there is little to be said about it .
13 Dixon J ( one of the most powerful judges to have graced the Australian bench ) , however , regarded s.4 bluntly as ‘ a restriction upon British parliamentary supremacy of the law ’ , ( ‘ The Law and the Constitution ’ , ( 1935 ) 51 LQR 611 ) , and there is much to be said for preferring his view .
14 For educationalists , things are much less simple : inputs and outputs consist of different quantities and there are many of each .
15 A typical example — and there are many of these — was when he patiently sat through a high level Air Ministry conference listening to the Mosquito being castigated for its poor night flying qualities ( because of the glare from the exhausts ) , and Boscombe Down recommended that it should never be flown at night , the chairman , as an afterthought , suggested Bennett contribute his views : " I wish someone hid told me about all these faults ' , he replied , " because I have been flying the Masse on OBOE night trials with excellent results " .
16 As soccer clubs edge towards financial collapse , and there are many on the brink , their accounts will become subject to ever closer scrutiny .
17 It is a tale of naked oppression , and there are many in the world who still recognize it as their own .
18 There are relations that can be created by expressions of consent , and there are many in which such acts form or can form a component of their creation or perpetuation .
19 It would seem that some 38% of the parishes surveyed by the Commission depend upon the goodwill of such people , and there are fewer of them in rural than in urban areas .
20 These are for fat people , and there are enough of them about .
21 And there are some for your pal upstairs , ’ he added and moved along the wall to my window .
22 So I mean those of you who have been getting appallingly low marks and there are some of you in this set and I do n't get this every year .
23 So , in Moslem areas , the pigs tend to be larger , and there are more of them .
24 ‘ They love it and there are more of them coming all the time . ’
25 ‘ Azerbaijan is the Texas of mud volcanoes : they are bigger , more active and there are more of them than anywhere else in the world — and they are clearly associated with oil and gas generation . ’
26 And there are those with an exceptional gift whom the church has recognised and set apart to serve the Church at large .
27 Most common category is that of digital filter design programs and there are several of these and most of them have common features .
28 well , if they were interested in speaking to me I could probably put them on to not just myself but members of my flight , it is n't my flight it 's flight erm and there are several of us in Scotland who could come in and do things like that for a modest remuneration erm
29 You can buy a strong slim trowel to do the same job and there are several on the market .
30 It was my experience that seldom did the more senior of his element — and there were many of them — fit into the operational set-up , more especially as it got towards the end of the war .
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