Example sentences of "[coord] there be [noun] you " in BNC.

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1 And there are things you really ought to learn , you know . "
2 And remember , it is not necessary to be asleep in order to refresh your mind and body ; you simply need to be mentally and physically relaxed — and there are techniques you can learn to help you achieve this .
3 There 's still no miracle cure for facial lines , despite manufacturers ' claims , but there are things you can do to delay them .
4 ‘ He looks strong , ’ DeVore said after a moment , ‘ but there are things you do n't know about him .
5 But there are things you would be ashamed to tell even your doctor , things so vile they can only be confessed to the lowest , most contemptible functionaries of all .
6 But there are things you have no experience of , ’ he continued inexorably as if she had n't spoken .
7 ‘ Ramprakash is a lad who could be a superb player , but there are standards you have to abide by .
8 Yeah but there 's stuff you put on before you got ta paint a certain square amount of area
9 There 's lads of real trouble there , but there was lads you know young lads with kids and mortgages and and we had er he I 'm sixty all your worries are over are n't they .
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