Example sentences of "[coord] they were [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Even if neither we nor they were quite clued up enough to realise that Jethro Tull was a group and not the inventor of the seed drill !
2 At the south-western corner of the city walls two smaller castles were built , Baynard 's and Mountfichet , but never allowed to become great fortresses ; and they were finally removed from this strategic place by Edward I in the late thirteenth century : by a king whose mighty works at the Tower mirrored his determination to keep the Londoners under firm control ; but who greatly expanded the western end and formed a large new enclosure there for the Dominican friars , who could help him to ensure that no hostile presence met him when he came from Westminster to the City .
3 In 1523 there were highly rated black ‘ hummel ’ or ‘ humble ’ cattle ( the word means polled ) in the Cutler district of Aberdeenshire and they were carefully maintained in a pure state even then .
4 According to Mark Siegel , who worked in the Carter White House , With Reagan in the executive mansion the atmosphere was different ; members of congress were pleased to have their telephone calls returned ; where possible they were provided with assistance and they were carefully plyed with the ‘ small potatoes ’ of presidential patronage .
5 These extinct groups can exceed crinoids in number and variety at certain horizons , and they were evidently competing on equal terms .
6 These essays made the almanacs widely sought after even when their immediate practical use had passed , and they were later published in book form .
7 Coleridge and Wordsworth felt confident that the Monthly Magazine would give £5 for the poem , and they were already discussing details of the plot as they descended from the hills at West Quantoxhead .
8 In this campaign too — the battle of the River Ebro — the government forces had the initial advantage of surprise , but their much depleted physical and military strength made them unable to turn it to their permanent advantage and they were eventually pushed back to their original positions .
9 And they were eventually rewarded for their endeavour and spirit with a cracking goal .
10 Sadly , the Belgian State was obliged to let these treasures be auctioned , and they were eventually sold by Sotheby 's in London and at Brussels 's Palais des Beaux-Arts .
11 As his new Control explained , the faction of the Lebanese Forces involved in the aborted Contra arms-for-drugs deal in 1985 were known to have members who were DEA CIs , and they were probably tracking him through credit reports , listing his current address , employer and so forth , obtained through Bank Audi , a Beirut bank with a branch in New York .
12 Though 45 stunt people were employed in Batman and they were heavily used in the final rooftop battle , it is a dummy that takes the Joker 's final long fall from the roof of Gotham City cathedral , possibly enhanced by a rotoscope artist who put in the diminishing image frame by frame .
13 And the s the trees they would like to come was the pines and the pines because they they 've got a mop like of of leaves do you see , and they were well sheltered there , among these .
14 Oldham gave Wigan more problems than the scoreline suggests and they were well served by prop Tiny Solomona and scrum half Steve Terry .
15 Oldham gave Wigan more problems than the scoreline suggests and they were well served by prop Tiny Solomona and scrum half Steve Terry .
16 Nonetheless , when asked about other aspects of the wind turbines , such as their advantages in terms of pollution reduction and fuel conservation over other energy sources , their attitudes were fairly well developed and they were well informed .
17 People were asked what crimes they had been victims of ( victim study ) and about their own law-breaking ( self-report study ) , and they were also asked about their attitudes towards the police and policing .
18 Erm and they were also asked where the where they though the speaker was from .
19 Eleven Clay Cross councillors were surcharged for the money which would have been obtained had the Act been implemented and they were also disqualified from holding public office for a period .
20 Er , and they were also guarded .
21 And they were also hit by a further £25,000 fine for an ‘ irregular payment ’ to a player .
22 We had paid some money to the police to look after us and they were also taking money from the journalists , and giving us their news , and ours to them !
23 With David Sims off injured , Gloucester 's supply of ball dried up late in the game and they were also playing into the cold wind .
24 Dolphins on Nene Valley vessels were first shown by Artis ( fig 14.6 ) and they were also produced at Colchester .
25 I suppose we should really begin at the word strangeness because the word strangeness goes back to the late Fifties , early Sixties , when some people discovered particles more massive than neutrons and protons and these particles were discovered in the erm cosmic radiation , and they were also produced by accelerators in laboratories .
26 where he 'd be , and they were just wheeling him down , him crying
27 There are tigers there , and there 's leopards and things called sloth bears , a sort of bear , but they 're actually quite rare so er we did n't see any of those , apart from the rhinos , we went very very quietly crawled under the undergrowth and we saw them in a water hole and they were just bathing there .
28 ‘ We were trying to play rugby and they were just trying to spoil . ’
29 His eyes kept looking away over one of my shoulders or the other , never meeting my gaze , and I got the impression that like his wife he was constantly waiting for something important to happen , expecting someone to arrive at any moment , as though they both could n't believe what had happened and it was all a dream or a ghastly joke and they were just waiting for Clare to come gangling through the front door , kicking off muddy green wellies and loudly demanding tea .
30 So then his Scott 's mum and Noel 's mum met in town and they were just talking and Scott 's mum it 's dis , God it 's disgusting is n't it that lad given all them little lads love bites !
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