Example sentences of "[coord] they could [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 Those close to death were no longer anointed with holy oil , but a special service was held in their homes and they could make a private confession and receive absolution and communion .
2 She told them that she and Mike were going to be married very soon and they could have a look at her wedding dress as it was nearly finished .
3 In this last example ( of a many-to-many relationship ) , entity occurrences of the SUPPLIER entity could be ‘ Smith ’ , ‘ Jones ’ and ‘ Wilson ’ , and they could supply a number of products each .
4 She says that the canons used to be filled with nails , nuts and bolts etc and they could cut a man in half .
5 He was wrong there , having misjudged the mood of Londoners , because even those who were completely bombed out and had nothing except the clothes they stood up in , nearly all came back again when the bombing eased off and they could find a roof to cover them .
6 The house seemed to stand in a field near the top of a hill , and they could see a long way .
7 The hills levelled out as they reached the crests , and they could see a vast , rolling country expanding blindingly far northwards ; a sea of white frozen breakers tumbling into an unknown shore under a clear sky .
8 They navigated by the , by the ley lines , that 's why you find monuments built up on hills so they could stand in the middle of the of nowhere and they could see a , they could either feel it through their feet
9 A big slice of ham , or grilled bacon , or a few sausages , and they could put a few extra on Benny 's plate in case she felt the need of it .
10 Soviet officials were gratified by the reaction of the radical Arab states to their plan for the Persian Gulf but they could anticipate a less forthcoming response from the conservative Gulf states .
11 Not every school will be able to travel down to Portsmouth to see the wreck of the Mary Rose for themselves , but they could watch a video about the discovery and raising of the wreck , and carry out a computer simulation to search for the wreck .
12 But they could have a long wait .
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