Example sentences of "[coord] they could [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the pilots may be found in the Engines Section absorbing the means whereby the aviation spirit and flames arrive at the right place at the right time to produce the urge for forward movement , or they could be watching in some fascination an array of lights and switches on a array known as ‘ electrics ’ which behave themselves so well under the persuasion of the engines instructor , but which flash and fail to respond in such heart-breaking fashion when the student is urged to demonstrate that he has ‘ got ’ it .
2 Or they could be painted , or stencilled or both .
3 Or they could be extended strophic pieces developed from the old principle of the ‘ conventional ’ basses , the romanesca and the rest , as some of d'India 's are .
4 Or they could be put down by other people .
5 The language of the sources could be simplified for those who had difficulty reading the sources or they could be copied on to tape for listening .
6 Or they could be used to design new strategies ; useful , for example , to politicians trying to get a policy on the agenda , or a sales manager trying to market a new product .
7 Ministers said last night they expected market pressures would force Ford to scrap their price rises within a few months , or they could be forced to discount their prices very heavily .
8 In fact , the gradient favoured a trolleybus reversing and they could be seen performing the exercise without putting their poles up on the wires .
9 The cars will be built by a team of 40 , only a few of them Italian , and they could be joined by British engine designer Brian Hart for the Italian job to be done in Surrey .
10 At a stroke , the need for 300 staff in the health benefit unit could end and they could be redeployed to improve other parts of the service .
11 Swindon play Charlton tomorrow … and they could be losing full-back David Kerslake …
12 Parents of children who qualified for secondary education signed an undertaking that the child would complete the course , and they could be fined if they failed to keep their word .
13 SDRs could now be used more freely among participating countries : it became possible to use them to settle obligations without changing them first into currencies ; they could be loaned to other countries ; and they could be used as a security for a loan by another central bank or government .
14 Their plan was a simple one : pay the imprisoned debtors ' debts , plus the fees demanded for their clearance and what they owed the keeper for lodgings and the rest , and they could be released .
15 The real Romanies are no problem , and they could be settled quite easily .
16 They are used to selling ‘ product ’ , and they could be selling butter or margarine .
17 Their voices were faint at this distance , but they could be seen gesturing towards the company .
18 But they could be seen to be so " from below " as well as " from above " .
19 The closer the Gnostics stood to orthodoxy , the more likely they were to wish to infiltrate the catholic community ; this was especially the case among the Manichees , but they could be detected by their refusal to drink of the eucharistic cup ( since they regarded wine as an invention of the devil ) and to make the sign of the cross ( since to them the suffering of Jesus was no actual event but a symbol for the universal condition of the human race ) .
20 These dogs look happy enough , but they could be riddled with canine complexes .
21 She had some tiles to paint , but they could be done tomorrow .
22 There might be political overtones , but they could be overcome . ’
23 The subjects to be covered were diverse , scanning a period of over a century , but they could be arranged in an approximately chronological order .
24 Now , many of the other items are also sound and have a part to play but they could be improved upon .
25 Pigs had to be kept near to the farmstead , probably in nearby closes , but they could be taken to wastes and pasture and , of course , woodland , where traditionally they ate acorns and beechmast .
26 Speadsheets have not so far figured largely as a resource for history , but they could be used with certain types of documentary sources .
27 But they could be expected especially to move a religious audience committed to a divine order comprehending all men .
28 Workers had to push hard to win these advances , but they could be won short of revolution .
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