Example sentences of "[coord] they give [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And they give me all the equipment I need .
2 Worked out less than , I do n't know and they give us all the posters and everything , so weekend I 'm gon na send away for another seventy
3 And they give you all the other information you need .
4 And you go in there and they give you dirty looks , you know .
5 And Ford 's put up a lot of the money and so they wanted their cut from the publicity , and they gave me another award , and their manager in Brighton came to present it .
6 And they says , Well a person who lived in your flat before you had a telly , you know and they gave me some excuse , you know that the the the person who lived in here before me had ripped them off and they says , How do we know that you 're not that person , you know things like that .
7 Er we 've got a little few earmarked funds left over like for instance , Theakston 's Brewery gave us the barrels and they gave us two and a half thousand pounds .
8 We were all looking for some direction in our lives and they gave us that direction .
9 ‘ It did n't cause us any problems , and they gave us 1,200 lempiras ( $300 ) .
10 ‘ They 're cheaper to run and they gave us more flexibility on positioning , ’ Wren adds .
11 I gave them the meat of the dead animal , and they gave us more food and water .
12 For instance , they gave us just two power lines per side on a huge concert stage , and just one spotlight , and that was all the lights they gave us , and they gave us half the PA .
13 Well , she was gone sixty by then , an' they give 'er ten yards of pink silk an' five pounds on 'er retirement day , and I asked 'er if she fancied makin' me sister 's weddin' dress to keep 'er 'and in a bit — 'ere , you ai n't ate your other sausage roll yet .
14 ‘ We rang your own number but they gave us this one …
15 what would happen if you , let's have a look at G , depends on , what would happen if you were still paying fifty pence , but they gave you four hundred , four hundred grams of chocolate , well you get eight grams per penny , this is another test that you got it the right way up , if it were still only two hundred grams , but you payed more money for it , let's say they charged you a pound , I think you 'd get less grams per penny .
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