Example sentences of "[coord] they [modal v] [adv] give " in BNC.

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1 They 've probably not read the sign , or they might not give an indicator at all .
2 Cos you just sit there and , do you think you can lend me some money , please , I promise I 'll pay you back , and they 'll all give you about ten P , some of them give you fifty , some of them give you twenty got about , I was thinking you could just go in there and save up for all your Christmas shopping could n't you ?
3 So it 's a half amp so what sized fu and they would probably give you erm , are you going to use a three amp , a five amp or a fif or a thirteen amp fuse ?
4 But the , the range of colour is sometimes so close and they ca n't give you a great diversity and the light 's shining on it and sometimes the sun coming in
5 so you can go to them and ask them for advice and they ca n't give it , because there 's not that link back to where you know
6 You 've got £1.70 , the ticket costs £1.72 and they wo n't give you the ticket .
7 I 've just tried the local newspaper but Frank 's pal has gone out and they wo n't give me a contact number .
8 And they wo n't give any guarantees , although I understand they have n't failed up to now .
9 She wo n't be allowed to bring them up in a series of bed and breakfasts , and they wo n't give her a council flat or help her pay for somewhere private .
10 and they can all give them work .
11 A Pakistani called Jansher Khan is the champion , and they will not give him his prize money because he walked out of the official dinner .
12 For reasons that we shall discuss in Chapter 9 , the members of a colony of social insects co-operate with one another , and they will therefore give signal that are as informative as possible ; they will not usually give deceptive signals to fellow members of their colony .
13 Not because they could not be useful — but they would n't give us , as desiring female spectators , that much to look at .
14 A twenty-one-year-old mother of two small children in Coventry said , " I told social security that the children 's shoes were too small , but they would n't give us a grant .
15 Well I ai n't got any but they wo n't give me any !
16 But they 'll also give you hours of pleasure just by being there .
17 Organic farmers know it works , but they ca n't give scientific reasons .
18 I just ca n't stand it at times , but they ca n't give me anything for it .
19 But they will not give in .
20 whether it 's the afternoon or an evening or weekend it 's still the same price , but the , the mental patient actually employs you , you 're not employed by the hospital , but they can only give you ten hours a week which is five session so that 's only sort of twenty seven quid a week so you 're
21 Palaeomagnetic data could indicate north-south movements ( palaeolatitudes ) but they could not give past longitudinal positions .
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