Example sentences of "[coord] are [adv] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But does the one cause the other , or are both due to an unknown third factor ?
2 Such people often have a fragile sense of identity or are desperately frightened of a feeling of emptiness within themselves .
3 Mother says : People only lose because they 're not strong enough , not because they do n't want to fight or are n't good at fighting .
4 Some workers are supported by strong trade unions whilst others have only weak unions or are not unionised at all .
5 The cases where or are also similar in their path to full information , so we will examine these cases together .
6 Whether your students are planning to attend holiday courses in Britain , or are merely curious about the lifestyle , customs , and civilization of the British , When in Britain is designed to encourage them to think about not only the British way of life , but also about their own .
7 Section 7(4) imposes a duty on the disposal authority to issue such a notice where it appears that continuation of activities to which the licence relates would cause pollution of water , a danger to public health or are seriously detrimental to amenities of the locality , and can not be avoided by modifying the conditions specified in the licence .
8 The auxiliaries may be divided into two groups according to whether they can be used anywhere in the scheme ( common auxiliaries ) or are only appropriate to specific parts of it ( special auxiliaries ) .
9 SENSITIVE gardeners who baulk at using pesticides , or are too unfit for hoeing , should instead eat their way to a weed-free garden , it is suggested today .
10 These neither exist nor are necessarily desirable on planning grounds .
11 However , once they reach the infective third stage , they are sealed in the retained cuticle of the second stage , can not feed and are completely dependent on their stored reserves .
12 This impression of relative prosperity would be even more the case in physicians ' private offices , but these are unevenly distributed and are largely absent from the poorest parts of the city .
13 Despite large numbers of women professionals employed in mainstream print and broadcast media in Third World countries , they still tend to be concentrated in sex-stereotyped posts such as announcing or children 's programming , and are largely absent from management and decision-making positions .
14 Members of both classes tend to accept the status quo as normal and natural and are largely unaware of the true nature of exploitation and oppression .
15 The net costs of Eagle Lodges appear for the first time in the income and expenditure account and are largely attributable to setting up costs as there was little income from occupancy during 1990 .
16 The toxic PCBs are present in many of the country 's rivers , says the WWF , and are largely responsible for the decline of the species which in England is now only found in Northumberland , the West Country and a small area of East Anglia .
17 They are removed from real-life and are neither subject to the rule of the land nor the mystery of the sea .
18 Examination of policies for cycling in these three countries will show not only the contrasts in infrastructure provision , but will indicate also where there is good practice in designing total transport environments which are conductive to cycling and are thus supportive of the traffic calming principle .
19 When this happens , we have three frequencies which all share the same wave vector , and are thus resonant with the cavity .
20 The facts are drawn from the Datastream database , and are thus subject to the vagaries of any such enterprise .
21 Surface metaphors are those in which the mapped domains are represented directly by linguistic tokens , and are thus visible on the text ( e.g. Juliet is the sun , in which both domains are realised ) .
22 Certainly , they precede mosaics of type A , and are thus indicative of at least two individual phases of development .
23 Although Villedommange is of the same échelle as its neighbouring premiers crus , its highest vineyards , which do not adjoin a dense mass of forest and are thus free from the ill-effects of transpiration , produce grapes of a superior quality .
24 All these correlations of course come from mean values for stimuli aggregated across subjects and are thus likely to be overestimates of the true size of any effect in individual subjects ( Guilford & Fruchter 1973 , Dunlap , Jones & Bittner 1983 ) .
25 These cell divisions simply divide up the egg to give a population of smaller cells that form the early embryo and are thus different from the cell division associated with cell growth and multiplication .
26 However , these two resistors also form part of the phase shifting network within the Twin-T feedback network and are thus instrumental in determining the frequency of oscillation .
27 Sensitivities of fitness to changes in both fertility and mortality are related to the probability of reaching the age of gene expression , and are inversely proportional to the generation time .
28 In view of the diversity of the environment , the variations in cultural , social and political organisation as well as rapid population growth , there is an overwhelming need for development and management plans that are practicable at a local level , are politically acceptable to all Himalayan nations and are equally beneficial to those extra-Himalayan regions that are affected by intra-Himalayan policies .
29 The bereaved are dimly aware of these feelings , and are equally embarrassed about displaying tears .
30 One problem of assignment has already been encountered : in Chapter 9 we saw how , although and are clearly distinct in most contexts , there are other contexts where we find a sound which can not clearly be said to belong to one or other of these two phonemes .
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