Example sentences of "[coord] he can [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 This leaves the Energy Secretary , Mr John Wakeham , with two options : he can either agree to underwrite any cost escalations in nuclear handling costs after privatisation , or he can swallow his pride , and pull all nuclear plant out of the impending sale .
2 I therefore put it to him that he has really now er a definite choice , he can seek to resist most of these amendments and I have n't a slightest doubt they 'll be put into the Bill er the Bill will be drastically altered thereby er and when it goes back to another place nobody quite knows er wh what will happen to it , or he can use his very considerable powers of conciliation er by taking a little time for further consideration .
3 He 's a natural doer and thinker and organizer , easily bored by detail , but brilliant at conceiving conferences and programmes of action , and he can hold his own with academics three times his age . ’
4 I think erm what , what we , what I 'd really like to do is if I could get in touch with him and give him the chance to make up his own mind er then he could decide whether or not he would like to have a chat with me and I 'd just run a few ideas by him , just as you 've done , without any pressure er and he can make his own decisions .
5 John Jones has been told more money will be available from the first of April and he can expect his knee operation in the next year .
6 2.45:OLIVER Sherwood has a high opinion of COPPER MINE and he can open his account over fences following his encouraging third to Fighting Words at Wetherby .
7 What I do on Saturday mornings is MY business , and he can poke his long conk in some place else .
8 To him the ground may be steep and rough but on the whole it is even ; and he can pick his direction easily from the top of his moving , six-foot tower .
9 ‘ Perhaps there the novelist has the advantage and he can let his imagination go where it will . ’
10 In terms of selection theory it makes sense for an incoming male to kill the young , for the females then come into oestrus quickly and he can get his genes into the assembly line at the earliest opportunity .
11 The Governor has a similar philosophy but he can express his thought . ’
12 But he can turn his mind to detailed needs , like pensions , if he has to .
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