Example sentences of "[coord] he [vb mod] tell [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 My brother is coming up at the end of the week to take them back with him , and he 'll tell them something then . ’
2 Delighted to see you , Mr and Mrs White — Dartmouth , I 'm sorry — not married yet , ha , ha , two weeks in paradise and you will be , we can arrange a beautiful and tasteful ceremony at sunset on the jetty just behind the oil tanks — this is the Captain 's lounge bar , this is the Captain himself — buy him a rum and he 'll tell you his life story in four different languages , two of them English — and this is the staircase — can I give you a hand with that bag ?
3 Ask any player who has been unfortunate enough to fire a ball into the thick marram grass of a dune on a links and he 'll tell you there is only one way out — pick it up and start again .
4 And he 'll tell you that each of us would-be Marines is one in a million — one in a billion — except for he who sets himself above the rest of his brothers ; and that one is less . ’
5 Hepzibah says , give him a stray feather and he 'll tell you which bird it comes from ! ’
6 Now you talk to any coward , a real coward like myself , and he 'll tell you there 's a point where fear becomes so great it actually turns into courage , not out of anger or fury but that marvellous innate desire to save your own skin .
7 he , erm and he 'll tell you whether it 's worth repairing or not Joyce
8 They can ask you anything and he 'll tell you the truth .
9 He would meet American women of all kinds whose faces he imagined would reflect mixed nationalities , and he would tell them he was an actor who had performed before the Queen .
10 Once she had written , another decision would have been taken , and he would tell them in the office that they were having a stab at Italy this year , he 'd managed to track down a villa in Tuscany .
11 And he would tell them that when he was going back to get gon na be his next meal .
12 And he 'd tell me stories or sing to me , and sometimes , after he 'd had a good tumblerful of whisky , he 'd slide his hand up my shorts and stroke my thigh .
13 they were on about that they ship them abroad and th , they were interviewing a lad in London he said oh , he used to get up in the morning and er go down to the phone box and phone this contact they know and he 'd tell you what cars you wanted pinching this day and they pinch them to order !
14 If the hon. Gentleman is to be consistent with his opening sentence in which he quoted AMMA 's report , he must proceed to argue — rightly — that the Bill is confused and inadequate for its purposes and he must tell us what revisions he will seek .
15 ‘ I will be seeing the physio Peter Rostron today and he will tell me about a possible scan .
16 ASK any hard-headed financier , and he will tell you that debt relief never works : public money given to help struggling debtor nations will end up in the hands of the lenders — the banks whose over-readiness to lend helped to land the debtors in trouble in the first place .
17 Push him , and he will tell you — slick appearance to the contrary — that he is too hard up to buy fancy clothes .
18 I mentioned this to a Fetlar man who used to hunt otters for their pelts , as many crofters did and he could tell me that there had been pale-coated otters in that area for at least fifty years .
19 Or at least Kenny had no idea why anyone should think he was an oppo of yours , and he could tell them virtually zilch .
20 Erm , and he can tell you better than me , really the benefits of living assurance .
21 Because he is a member and he can tell you about it .
22 I do n't know , but he may tell you more than I can .
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