Example sentences of "[coord] he [vb mod] also have " in BNC.

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1 Hamlet is up against not just a man , but a king , he will have to strike when the king is unarmed , And he would also have to be able to explain his actions , and yet even his mother does not believe him , but only see him as mad
2 The learner must have the drive to learn and he must also have knowledge of the results of his activities .
3 As a master of the long line himself , Karajan would probably have endorsed some of Boult 's sentiments ( many of Karajan 's recordings have been put down more or less in a series of single takes ) , but he would also have agreed to an extent with Gould that ‘ good splices ’ can also ‘ build good lines ’ .
4 But he would also have concluded that its ability to survive into the next century would depend upon the character and common sense of Prince Charles .
5 As the Young King wavered between the three alternatives of remaining dutifully at his father 's side , going to Jerusalem , or marching into Aquitaine , he was certainly tempted by messages from the rebels offering to recognize him as their Duke , but he may also have been egged on by Geoffrey of Brittany .
6 But he may also have intended to remind those present that he had come to the throne as a result of the treaty he had made with Edmund , which according to Florence of Worcester established peace , friendship and brotherhood between them .
7 The summer conversations in Kissingen , the presence in St Petersburg of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich , the greater enthusiasm for reform of Lanskoi at the Ministry of Internal Affairs — all these undoubtedly altered the balance of opinion to which he was exposed and made him more susceptible to reformist sentiments ; but he may also have been naive enough to believe that the gentry at large would follow the example of the north-westerners and welcome the measure he was putting to them .
8 When he asked for an artificial leg for his newly amputated right leg he was told not only that he could n't have one , but he 'd also have to give up his existing left false leg , which he 'd had for six years .
9 And your father must have a good side , but he must also have a bad one .
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