Example sentences of "[coord] he [vb past] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He used to go to a lotta places er that as knocked down or , well I could n't tell you the kind of job , but often there was some locks on the premises was er , perhaps needed repair or he wanted them to be in before he could leave the job and say here you are , that 's the job done .
2 He was a good PTI , he made PT fun and did n't just stick to PT and running — but there was no messing about either and he doubled them across the barracks to the football pitch , Where in the next half hour they worked as hard playing football as they would have done in the gymnasium .
3 His hands were released , and he dropped them to his lap .
4 He reminded them of all the things that he 'd said and done and he prepared them for their mission in the world .
5 And he sent them to Bethlehem and said , ‘ Go and search diligently for the young child ; and when ye have found him , bring me word again , that I may come and worship him also . ’
6 I just called him and explained my interest and he sent them to me two days later . ’
7 There was a paddle with which Koresh beat his followers and he intimidated them by openly boasting , in crude detail , about even worse brutality .
8 Doubtless they describe the hard life of the villager and the poverty of his surroundings as Crabbe saw them : but he was not a peasant , as Clare was , and he saw them from the outside as harsh , ugly and wretched .
9 He saw some of the storm-troopers turn their attention to him and he sprayed them with his MPSK .
10 Tickets were printed and he sold them to friends for 1&shilling. each …
11 Woolworth chief Geoff Mulcahy 's shares cost £374,000 — and he sold them for a £1,037,000 profit .
12 Unfortunately , for example , he believed certain things which were wrong ( such as the tenets of Unitarianism ) , and he believed them for the wrong reasons ( such as the theistic proofs ) .
13 Jim Lancaster 's lips twitched into a smile of relief and he led them towards the hall .
14 One of the crooks was picked up half-a-mile away and he led them to the tot who was sitting unhurt on a pedestrian walkway .
15 And he led them in a weary canter down to the Rorim .
16 His hands were covered in sweat and he thrust them into his trouser pockets .
17 And er also many engineers when they were out their time , they went to Glasgow and for a few years , he , everybody who went from Galashiels , word got through to him and he met them at the station and got them settled in their digs in Glasgow .
18 William Smith 's friendship with Clapham was strong enough to license their toleration of his Unitarian views and he kept them in touch with more liberal and heterodox elements .
19 Their glasses were empty and he took them to the bar for a refill .
20 W. C. T. had been busy in other ways too , fathering a series of children ; three at least were to die young , and he took them for burial to his cousins , Baptist Chapel at Worship Street , Shoreditch .
21 It er er he pleated the he the halter into the tail of the leading horse and he took them down the road in a string like a train .
22 They were old animal cages and he disguised them with books , hoping the creature would be captured inside .
23 He knew that these societies of Gaul and Spain had their own rules and virtues , and he described them with obvious sympathy .
24 Rachel handed them to him , and he put them in his inside jacket pocket .
25 His two teenage sons were fanatically keen on farming and he encouraged them in all the agricultural skills ; but he fed the calves himself .
26 Professor Edward Hitchcock took cells from an aborted foetus and he injected them inside Mr Davies 's brain .
27 For the first time , she saw he was holding the roses she 'd thrown from the window , and he handed them to her .
28 And he gave thanks to God for the grace which had been vouchsafed to him , and said to his mother , that he did not think it good to keep the Kings in captivity , but to let them go freely ; and he set them at liberty and bade them depart .
29 He must have felt it and he must have suffered afterwards from it I would imagine , but he had , he had those qualifications , he had those abilities and he used them for a .
30 Luib took the practice sword from him with a nod , and he joined them at the edge of the field .
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