Example sentences of "[coord] he [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or he stepped on a landmine of some sort . ’
2 His eyes were wild , and he blew on a hunting horn .
3 His two front teeth shattered , and he choked on a sudden spurt of blood .
4 and he wrote on the label for a pill
5 He was dressed Yek style in a loose tunic and breeches , and he had on a surcoat which was stiff with gold embroidery .
6 The gruel was served up and a long grace was said over a short the gruel disappeared , the boys looked at each other and went over , while his next neighbours nudged him , tired as he was he was desperately hungry and he rest on the table and the master with his hands he said
7 but anyhow it , well they , they were there and he bought the pub did n't he and they were moving on the Saturday and he came on the Saturday morning and he cried take the furniture to pieces , some of the furniture , the wardrobes and there was a dining room table that they could n't get into the pub , could I dismantle them and re-assemble them again and that was the first time I 'd ever met him were n't I ?
8 ‘ A year ago father went to Brittany ; he 'd been saving up for years and he went on a nine-day excursion .
9 He finally took the advice of doctors a month later , and he went on a two-week holiday to Jamaica .
10 right , Archie , he 's erm , on his own , own he 's er , think his wife died years ago , he saved and saved and he went on a big cruise , do you know what I mean ?
11 So the guy who 'd been fired took one of the cars from the agency and he got on the wrong road ; they 'd forgotten about curfew , probably they were too drunk and they did n't stop when a South Vietnamese barrage challenged them .
12 turn the crane round one way then the other and he got on the same lever but today they got , cos they got big lovely cranes where they stand there with four levers , four controls they 've got and it goes up and down .
13 This incident finally convinced Charles that he should abandon his efforts to work with parliament , and he embarked on a period of personal rule , which lasted until 1640 .
14 He built up the textile , sugar and cement industries , he introduced electrification , and he embarked on a vastly ambitious railway across the country , linking the Persian Gulf to the Caspian .
15 And he looked on a list he had and he put seven something .
16 And he banged on the table .
17 So he 's walking down the street , trying ah , trying ah to get his mind off this and he gets on a train .
18 He was a trustee of the Oxford Preservation Trust ( 1932–67 ) , and he served on the governing bodies of the King 's School , Canterbury ( 1933–62 ) , St Edward 's School , Oxford ( 1933–57 ) , and two other schools , while he was a member of Oxford University 's hebdomadal council from 1935 to 1947 .
19 And he says on the US TV show Hard Copy that she did not drown but suffocated .
20 It began : 'About 100 years ago there was a small boy called Fred and he lived on an island with his father and mother and nearby lived his uncle and aunt .
21 And he flew over there and he landed on a metal chair .
22 He had a growing circle of friends , almost entirely non-aristocratic , both in Worcestershire and in London , both inside and outside the House of Commons , and he entertained on a moderate scale .
23 He was taken to Middlesbrough General Hospital , but his condition deteriorated and he died on the afternoon of May 20 .
24 One of the accusations used and levelled against er against Christianity against the , the evangelical message , against things like the , the mission of Graham and , and others is that it , it does n't meet the needs the , the material needs of people but if you deal with the persons spiritual needs , if their sins are forgiven , those problems that are causing the material problem , it 's amazing how there are dealt with as well , the best way to sober up a person , the best way to deal with a person who 's an alcoholic , the best way to deal with a person who is a drug addict , the best way to deal with a person who , who commits adultery is not by telling them the wrongs of those things , it 's not by trying to , to , to do , to , to , you know , to , to counsel them it 's presenting the gospel allowing Jesus Christ to come into their lives and to forgive them , that will make the person sober quicker than all the counselling in the world and Paul says I brought you the most important the fundamental thing , that Christ died for our sins Paul again when he 's writing to the Romans in chapter five and verse eight he says but God demonstrates his own love towards us , in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us so God did in Jesus Christ what we could n't do for ourselves , so all of you have sin , so all of my sin , and he came and he died on the cross and as he was dying there was that transmit there , for he was n't dying for his own sin buy he was dying for your sin and for mine , it was all piled on him and so when we except what Christ has done , when we come to that place and yes I believe that you died for me ,
25 I had one chap who worked for me for over two years without one accident , did n't scratch anything , did everything right , he was a wonderful conscientious man , and then one day he was carrying a big box containing some expensive crockery and he tripped on the top step of the stairs and the lot went down , the whole box went right to the bottom .
26 will ultimately apply utilitarian standard , but he does n't make much of it here and he relies on a much more intuitive idea of what manage things well and he assumes that different branches of government will have different standards of success and that we will be able to tell pretty much whether they 're doing well or badly .
27 Papa did n't know what to do , and then he got talking to some of his cronies , and he decided on a Grand Scheme .
28 A thought struck Jonadab and he hesitated on the point of blowing out the candle .
29 There was cake , satisfying and fruity , and he sat on the edge of the chesterfield in Isobel 's sitting-room and ate it appreciatively between gulps of strong , sweet tea from one of her best bone china teacups .
30 He goes he goes you ca n't go to sleep , and he sat on the edge of my bed for about quarter of an hour .
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