Example sentences of "[coord] he come [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And he come over to fight for his country .
2 Menachem Begin used to come here during the 1948 battles to this house , and he came up to see us three or four times during the fighting to have coffee and biscuits with us .
3 and I got back home , and somebody must have told him where we lived , he got my address from somewhere and he came up to see Irene and I .
4 Except for Xanthe , Mercer was the only Lorrimore to surface for breakfast , and he came not to eat but to ask Emil to send trays through to his own private dining room .
5 Best of all , their own old gentleman was there , and he came across to shake their hands .
6 Shelley stood watching him for a while before he noticed her , and he came down to greet her .
7 Then I was working and my sister Mary started work and my father went out one night and he came back knocked the door and he was drunk as per usual .
8 Anyway , he was gone a few minutes , and he came back smelling — you know .
9 We were sitting there waiting to hear what the guy at the other end of the phone thought about it and he came back saying , It 's the worst thing anyone here has heard for a very long time — actually I think he was a little more abusive than that , but he went on — I do n't like it and I do n't know anyone else who would .
10 We were sitting there waiting to hear what the guy at the other end of the phone thought about it and he came back saying , It 's the worst thing anyone here has heard for a very long time — actually I think he was a little more abusive than that , but he went on — I do n't like it and I do n't know anyone else who would .
11 She was somewhat startled to find a waiter knocking on her door very soon and he came in bearing a tray of tea and a pain-killer , looking at her sadly and murmuring his regrets .
12 ‘ I left the bloody old gate open and he came in to check the place . ’
13 Ramsay 's organizing the trip to the lighthouse at last and Lily 's trying to paint , and he comes up demanding sympathy .
14 He does unexplained absences and he comes back looking pleased with himself .
15 But he came here thinking I had that jewellery , and then it fell right out of my closet .
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