Example sentences of "[coord] he would [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Gotrek swore an oath that he would have his money or its weregeld price in Elf blood or he would shave his head .
2 And he 'll either you can either knock he 'll ei , you can either knock some money off , which he 'd accept whatev , mo most or he 'd pay your deposit for you .
3 Gradually Adam would discover where and how each woman liked to be touched , and he would change his techniques to suit her , then move on to something that she was n't expecting or had never experienced .
4 The back-to-back pair of dessert spoons riffled through his fingers , producing an intricate , staccato percussion which he was , however , unable to keep up for more than a few minutes together ; then he would get his fingers tangled up and the spoons would clang to a halt and he would shake his head furiously and begin all over again .
5 Cameron passed it by , the man could stew in his choler for a while , and when the dark came on and his servants and womenfolk grued at every owl-call or salmon-splash from the river , his defiance would burn lower and he would give his name .
6 The club would get £850,000 and he would waive his £150,000 fee .
7 Earlier in the year Mansell told me that Indycar racing fascinated him — and he would relish its new challenge .
8 But mostly he did not need to talk at a bunfight , people came up and talked to him , and he would nod his head and smile benevolently and say happily , Yes , Yes , Yes .
9 Of course he was dissatisfied , and he would kick your rifle back into your face .
10 because you knew he meant business , and he would achieve his end
11 His body ached for her and he would press his face into the lumpy pillow groaning with the hopelessness of his need .
12 Pupils would then lob ping-pong balls in his direction and he would swing his tremendous member with the aim of knocking the balls into a waste-bin set up especially for the occasion .
13 And he would complete his final sentence on the second .
14 But he had been reared to rule Orkney , and he would keep his place .
15 Barton was keeping the info for a rainy day and he would ring his secretary in the morning and ask her to look in the paper 's library for any cuttings on Amaranth Wilikins .
16 Success in moderation was no doubt better for the character than failure but too much of it and he would lose his cutting edge .
17 Cora-Beth was right — this was what nature intended and he would prove his love .
18 And he would cock his head and say , ‘ I 'm sure I shall .
19 A sudden fear seized him : that the door would be locked , and he 'd beat his weakness against it , and fail to gain access .
20 Ask a worker on the American line how work had changed over the past three decades and he 'd shake his head and confess : not much .
21 So every century we were in he 'd say ‘ We must drop in and say howdy to Michelangelo or Raphael or Donatello or Leonardo , ’ and he 'd get his picture painted . ’
22 Meredith found herself an interpreter — the son of the cook — and he 'd become her devoted fan .
23 And he 'd wipe his brush on a rag soaked in turps and wash his hands in the kitchen sink and off they 'd go , calling for Preston sometimes from next door , because he liked it , too .
24 He was in Cullbridge for the night , and he 'd see his lad in the morning .
25 Perhaps Dane would go unsatisfied from Shae 's bed in search of that ‘ real woman ’ , and he 'd find her ready and waiting in Marianne .
26 But he would have his way .
27 He would still be state president , but he would lose his real power base .
28 rung Keith and Keith said he did n't know whether he 'd be able to come today but he 'd do his best .
29 ‘ No , but he 'd trust his sister . ’
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