Example sentences of "[coord] on [noun] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 and on Sunday it says Roger comes .
2 Moreover , although in the formulation of A the elements Aij and Aji may not be equal , we may note that ( see 1.2 ) unc and on transposition it follows that unc so that A may be replaced by its symmetric equivalent
3 Table 8. 1 above shows that between 1978 — 9 and 1988 — 9 there was a major and planned increase in real terms in spending on defence and law and order ; spending on housing and industry were heavily cut , while on education ( helped by a fall in numbers of school children ) and on transport it stayed fairly constant .
4 And on Saturday it hosts the mean , macho and magnificent World Wrestling Federation 's superstars — here for the SummerSlam ‘ 92 spectacular .
5 Both German and Polish farmers made a tidy profit from the deal , and on paper it looked as if the Commission had ‘ Germanised ’ a farm .
6 This may be the line recommended by Victor , but on Rachel it works like one of his cigar-ends hitting paraffin .
7 Without the original bill we can not be certain of the government 's objectives ; but on balance it seems unlikely that it wished to replace statutory legislation by proclamation .
8 The requirement to " be able to show " that a firm believes on reasonable grounds that an advertisement is fair and not misleading might imply no more than that the burden of proof is on the member , but on balance it seems to imply that hard evidence should be maintained to justify a particular advertisement .
9 offers potentially to enhance citizen participation in local government , to inform citizens of their rights and duties , and to provide new information-services to citizens , but on balance it reinforces local dominant coalitions , makes local government more expensive to run , makes it less responsive to the general public , and tends to exclude many interests ;
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