Example sentences of "[coord] with it [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Immigrants from the New Commonwealth arrived at just the time that Britain lost an empire and with it her position in the world .
2 Each day the sun rose later and weaker and with it her strength too seemed to ebb .
3 She poured out her scorn , and with it her jealousy and frustrated rage .
4 So again Warwickshire desperately had to win was slipping away , and with it their chances of the championship .
5 Reverting to the earlier argument , the morality of their work is suspect , and with it their charisma .
6 Grant had time only to register the knowledge that he had lost the unequal contest , and with it his life , before the final hiraken knuckle-blow landed , breaking his nose and cheekbones , and smashing him into bloody oblivion .
7 We are made to share his view , and with it his plans and hopes to gain at the expense of good .
8 Night had fallen and with it his defences .
9 Peter lost all he 'd made , and with it his chance to help his parents and his younger brother and sister , Toby and Laura .
10 To that extent — until war eventually came in 1513 , and with it his death — James IV undoubtedly had the best of both worlds , the pleasure but not the pain and the expense .
11 Here we were on swings in small parks , our hair that had been blonded by the African sun now turning dark , as if another person was emerging , slowly , day by day , and with it our accents changed too , so that we spoke in multiple mangled voices as we moved endlessly , six times , seven times , eight , nine times through different versions of Englishness .
12 Her own particular demon gone but with it her freedom .
13 Was Leonard aware , even at such a tender age , of the sense of grief his father had , not only in his life being shortened but with it his usefulness ?
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