Example sentences of "[coord] that there could be " in BNC.

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1 Shultz and Weinberger opposed Poindexter 's plan , pointing out that it undermined America 's much-stated policy , usually made in conjunction with Mrs Thatcher , that no deals must be made with terrorists and that there could be no question of bargaining to get hostages released since this would inevitably lead to more abductions .
2 She wished her parents lived in the Aran Islands and that there could be no question of her having to go home every night .
3 The IDA 's Mr Linehan said the men said they were members of the RRA and that there could be 300 people blocking the site within two minutes .
4 And one of the most experienced U-boat commanders , Adalbert Schnee , who had been on sixteen patrols and later became a member of Dönitz 's staff , gave evidence that it was contrary to orders to kill survivors and that there could be no excuse for what Eck had done .
5 Surely it is a ludicrous notion to suppose that two scientists on their own in a remote basement lab could claim to solve the world 's energy problems so that the scientific community would take up this claim , that world leaders would ask for regular briefings and that there could be nothing in it at the end .
6 Of course , I realised that it was an example of pure coincidence and that there could be nothing more to it .
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