Example sentences of "[coord] you [verb] you [be] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore if you 've got a relationship with somebody and all you seem to constantly to be doing is constantly arguing and it 's either I win or you win you 're never gon na get out of that unless other time .
2 Or you know you 're in a meeting and the chairman what 's your opinion John on this where you what do you think about this ?
3 If you are the subject of aggressive or abusive behaviour , or you feel you are being treated unfairly , you should remain calm and not respond to provocation .
4 And you said you were a cold-hearted spinster ?
5 And you said you was feeling a bit better did n't you ?
6 And you knew you were safe ? ’
7 And then suddenly , its rhythm catches you and takes over , and you know you are in the presence of a deliberate art that seems completely right and natural .
8 ‘ You use the ejector when there is no alternative ; when you reckon there is no way of controlling your aircraft and you know you are going to crash . ’
9 ‘ There 's a certain point when you can see the inside of the track , you can see the outside of the track and you know you are not going to make the corner , so you give it more throttle .
10 Stretch up as if you are trying to reach something on the top shelf of the kitchen at home and you know you are going to succeed .
11 Jane could do with a bit of help in the kitchen and you know you are the children 's favourite baby-sitter .
12 ‘ You look at McLaren 's face in the dressing room before a match and you know you are looking at a winner , ’ Roxburgh remarked .
13 ‘ You walk into that building , ’ Sir Charles said , ‘ and you know you 're in capable hands . ’
14 ‘ When you 're writing stuff , these kinds of songs come out and you know you 're never going to use them seriously , but we had such a laugh when we were playing about with that one , we decided to use it on the single .
15 It 's not long before he 's trying to explain the telepathic communities that will flourish after the apocalypse to me and offering this example : ‘ It 's like when you fancy someone , and you know you 're going to go with that person .
16 And you know you 're not in the bluetree . ’
17 You 're sweating and nervous and you know you 're out on a limb here , you 're in the process of taking some terrible risks and the luck , the flow that comes from being justified and in tune and not taking too much for granted , not being contemptuous or disrespectful of fate ; all that 's in danger here because you 're pushing the envelope , you 're maybe relying on one or two too many things going perfectly .
18 So there you are , you 're stuck now in this traffic jam , and you know you 're going to be late .
19 If you trust somebody okay you 're quite open to them , they 're quite open to you if you co-operate you 're flexible , you 're being flexible and you like to work together and what happens is is if you 've got low trust and low co-operation with somebody well what you 've got is really everybody both people or everybody involved being defensive constantly being def defensive , if you do n't trust somebody and you know you 're not co-operative you 're constantly looking over your back , what are they doing are they doing that 's gon na mess something up you know what are they trying to do now .
20 If you 're a C D O at Trent and you know you 're gon na go out on patrol as a special that night , there 's no doubt Trevor will let you take a radio home with you , as long as you bring it back the next day .
21 Just give us a big cheesy grin and you know you 're in with a chance
22 You have to go through a short course at the R A F College Cranwell and then once that that teaches you the R A F side of it makes you into an officer because at the end of the day you maybe there to do public relations but if the spaghetti hits the fan you 're an officer and you 're a combatant and you know you carry a gun around when you 're in a war zone and you know you 're expected to use it and if the senior officer of the unit next to you gets shot and you 're the most senior officer then you take over
23 Yeah if you 're taking it you just want a laugh and you know you 're not affecting anyone else but if you 're dealing you 're pressing other people to buy it .
24 Obviously , I 'm just giving you the down-side , if you 're going to be there in your office , and you know you 're going to be there , you 're not going to dash off , or if you are , you can hear your phone ringing , erm it 's very , very handy , and in fact it 's smoother , because the person phoning in gets to speak to the person they want to speak to , not half a day , half a week later , alright ?
25 ‘ You 're only envious , and you know you were the most concerned when he had to lose almost a year to that fever .
26 When there were no letters the person on the shore disappeared below your horizon and you thought you were alone .
27 Good , good getting hard this is n't it when you 've been having a holiday and you thought you were gon na have a nice play and we 're doing all this hard work .
28 It whirls you round and round , and you get pressed into your seats , and you scream and scream , and pretend to be frightened and you hope you 're sitting next to a boy … ’
29 happy on the outside it and you show you 're happy on the outside you 'll invariably be happy on the inside .
30 ‘ You ca n't afford a new typewriter and you think you 're going to save the world . ’
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