Example sentences of "[coord] if it were [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The MMC pointed out that the block exemption only applied if there were no effective competition , no refusal to supply , or if it were not true that less favourable conditions were imposed on those with an exclusive purchasing obligation .
2 A disclaimer would not be effective if it were merely contained in the small print of a contract or if it were simply the subject of a casual remark by the salesman during negotiations .
3 He wondered if Heather , sitting in the same chair and gazing at the same view , had somehow bequeathed to him this reaction , or if it were entirely his own , a product of the self-pity Kingdom had identified .
4 I do n't want to stay here , and if it were n't for Mr. Stavanger I 'd have gone long ago .
5 ‘ I 'm sure it was n't ; Garry is n't the brightest of men ; he 'd deceive himself into thinking I would n't try to trace him , and if it were n't for my sister I would n't bother ; the discrepancies in the accounts would be compensated for by his permanent absence from the firm . ’
6 Afterwards Jared Tunstall had said to her mama , ‘ It was a question of a little hustler meeting a big one , and if it were n't that he has hurt Sally-Anne so badly I could almost admire the swine for his gall .
7 He did n't act much like a man who was expecting a favour , and if it were n't for Ana he certainly would n't get one .
8 And if it were up to me , I 'd just want to talk about music , about a certain passage of Mozart and how I would place the emphasis at certain points , and how I feel I 'm a good interpreter at the piano , but not particularly a good technician … ‘
9 Er the reason we wan na get it right is because er this Superintendent , erm he 's obviously got his interests very much on it , and he 's he 's keen to know what our response is going to be , and if it were just a member of the public I think we could we could being crude I think we could fob 'em off , but I think it 's gon na have to be a very structured answer as to why we 're not gon na do it .
10 I do n't know if it was by accident — I should ask him one day — but I used to play that over and over again and just revel in that sound , and I thought if you could get hold of that sound and make a feature of it , and if it were not just two guitars but as many as you needed to make a proper arrangement , the possibilities would be endless .
11 ‘ . The theory which they comprise is an attempt to articulate the feeling that , for a belief to be knowledge , it must be peculiarly sensitive to the truth of the proposition believed ; it must track the truth ( Nozick 's term ) in the sense that if the proposition were in changed circumstances still true , it would still be believed , and if it were not true , it would not .
12 And if it were only the future of the Conservative Party that was at stake I would probably agree that electoral chastening would be a good thing .
13 Look in particular for the complicated Tarantula Nebula ( 30 Doradûs ) , which is the most brilliant part of the whole Cloud and can be identified even with the naked eye : it is the largest known diffuse nebula , and if it were as close to us as M42 in Orion it would cast strong shadows .
14 Truthfully , of course ; I 'd see how it sounded , and if it were too reprehensible , well , I 'd just have to think up a good lie , that was all , right now at the outset , and stick to it until perhaps I 'd begin to believe it myself .
15 But if it were simply a matter of providing skills to make their students more employable , that would be a much more dubious enterprise .
16 Not only does the 24-hour delivery time achieved week in week out put most publishers to shame , but if it were not for their buyers ' notes and regular representative visits , we as a small bookshop all too often ignored by publishers — The Bookseller apart , whose efforts are also appreciated — would not be made aware of new titles and promotions .
17 Now we have to work secretly but if it were n't for the repression the Communities would be much bigger .
18 Everybody knew it , they knew it too , but if it were n't told , it could lose its power to injure .
19 It is unclear what attitude the new administration takes to Japanese investment , but if it were politically acceptable , sale of a large part , if not all , the company to 4.7% shareholder NEC Corp would make the most sense , although it is not clear that NEC would now be interested .
20 If it were 20 per cent greater , there would be no less dissatisfaction and unfulfilled demand at the margin ; if it were 20 per cent less — I do not mean if it were reduced by 20 per cent but if it were now 20 per cent less than it actually is , nobody would be the wiser .
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