Example sentences of "[coord] have [adv] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ( 3 ) On an application for an order being made under subsection ( 1 ) above by any club , the sheriff clerk shall forthwith give notice thereof to the chief constable who may , within 21 days of the date of the receipt by him of such notice , lodge with the sheriff clerk objections to the making of such order on the ground that one or more of the conditions set out in subsection ( 2 ) above has not or have not been satisfied in relation to the club , and shall , on lodging any such objections , send a copy thereof to the secretary of the club ; and if any such objections are lodged and not withdrawn , the sheriff shall , as soon as may be , hear parties upon the application and objections and may order such enquiry as he thinks fit , and shall thereafter make or refuse to make the order applied for , and may award expenses against the unsuccessful party .
2 I am pleased to see the porpoise , because they too have been affected by the general shortage of food recently , and have not been easy to find in their usual haunts .
3 I have always disagreed with those in the black community who , when they have applied for jobs and have not been successful , have blamed it on the colour of their skin .
4 They gained little out of the nets in Jamaica and have not been able to face any bowling since Tuesday other than the spinners and gentle medium-pacers .
5 Labelling theory implies that criminals are powerless , passive victims who have had the misfortune to be labelled criminal , and have not been able to do anything about it .
6 These movements have occurred chiefly in the United States and have generally been anti-suburban in tenor .
7 I do n't like they 've both they 've worked as they 've gone along and have n't been scared to put colours in and things .
8 I last had one some five years ago , and have n't been able to get hold of one since .
9 Therefore I am not able to suggest to you , and have n't been able to in my evidence which district even a new settlement er ought to go in , but I have to say that if it were part of your deliberations that you should choose a particular district , er then it is not part of my submission that you should not choose a particular district , but my bottom line is that the policy wording should at least ensure that there is commitment to a new settlement and it is inescapable on behalf of the district planning authorities , the last thing that we would want is the possibility of going round the districts , and the last one to produce a district wide plan is the one that has to get the new settlement , that seems to be a gen , fairly unsatisfactory way of proceeding , and each one should have to consider that as part of their certification process .
10 I have the game and have n't been able to produce it . ’
11 ‘ I do n't like making excuses but I picked up a bug in Germany at the weekend and have n't been able to shake it off , ’ explained world No13 McManus .
12 It is also important to recognize that several of Japan 's most well-known companies like Honda , Sony or Toyota have relied less on bank loans and have therefore been able to follow fairly independent policies .
13 Many historians of English seem to have shared the attitude of Oliphant ( above ) and have therefore been inclined to think that apparently non-standard linguistic forms are somehow not to be taken seriously as evidence for ‘ genuine ’ linguistic change .
14 Colonel with a K the this band , they used to , that they had from the tenth replacement depot used to come down and play at the Town Hall , and they they like I said before they were fellas on the way to join Glen the absolute ultimate musicians of America and it was why I 'm still today erm I 've got a big collection of jazz records and have always been interested in the big band sound .
15 We 're both Aquarian dreamers and have always been able to be ‘ alone ’ together , or step easily into imagination games , and Max — like me — has a fairy godmother who always seems to save his neck at the last minute .
16 They do however share one thing in common , they are all quality products , and have always been high in the list of best selling computer games on all hardware formats .
17 ‘ I was born in Holland , and have always been terrified of chainsaws .
18 The Wonder Stuff come from Stourbridge , in the West Midlands , and have never been shy about saying so .
19 Moreover , in the British context , the fact that Leninist and Trotskyist groupings are hopelessly divided and have never been able to move beyond a fringe role and secure any kind of solid base in the working class has , as a matter of practical politics , forced them to reconsider their own position and that of the Labour Party .
20 ‘ I could not finish the song and have never been able to sing it since even to this day . ’
21 Sam Wheat ( Patrick Swayze ) and Molly Jensen ( Demi Moore ) are in love and have never been happier than they are now , living in their new Tribeca loft .
22 Such a connection between newspapers and political parties is only to be expected ; newspapers have traditionally wished to play a part in the political system and have never been reluctant to express a view ( ‘ The Sun says ’ ) on the ways of the world .
23 They know what it 's like to stand on both sides of the competitive fence and have now been involved with the sport for well over a decade , first as top international competitions and then as manager and coach of the national team .
24 And have there been any specific breakthroughs in organic chemistry you can put your fingers on in recent years ?
25 They owned a circus tent with its own seating and turned their hands to most of the acts , but have not been able to pay debts estimated at £60,000 or more .
26 Pollitt points out that many managers do not agree but have not been disposed to make an issue over it so far .
27 I 've had perms in the past but have never been happy with them — they are always too curly .
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