Example sentences of "[coord] were say to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Critics of the regime were reported to be openly venting their displeasure ‘ at new laws , announcements of the government about future Party buildings , the planned social legislation , school reform , etc. , ’ and pointed to ‘ the higher taxes , the restrictions on personal freedom , the ‘ threat to the Christian philosophy ’ , the promotions in the civil service almost solely on the basis of attitude and Party membership without any consideration of ability , the activity of the Gestapo , the ‘ reign of terror ’ ( Schreckensregiment ) , the ‘ corruption ’ ’ , and the mismanagement of Party hacks and bosses , and were said to be conveying their discontent and doubts ‘ to ever wider circles ’ .
2 Its feathers were long , silken and of every imaginable colour , and were said to be infused with the glow of Paradise .
3 Bookings were reportedly around a billion dollars and were said to be continuing strong .
4 Floods in the southern provinces of Kompong Speu , Takeo , Kampot and Kandal which had begun in mid-August [ see p. 38390 ] and were said to be the worst in 50 years , left 100 people dead and washed away houses , roads , bridges and railway lines , and by Sept. 4 were threatening Phnom Penh .
5 They were reported to have fled the camps and were said to be attempting to return to their homes .
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