Example sentences of "[coord] we would [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Or we would go to the coast to pick cotton , which is really exhausting .
2 We would go down to the Seine and speak of water , boats and fish ; or we would go to the public park , where a few birds languished in an ancient aviary and the old mynah bird entertained us with a lavish range of endearments .
3 If we all realised just how intimately lonely we all are , the word and feeling ‘ lonely ’ could be cancelled from life 's experience and we would relate to one another in a more true fashion since we would be aware of the limitations of relationships .
4 Well I mean I can assure them that the , the National Rivers Authority in the Thames region is monitoring rivers on a daily basis throughout the year and that we would hope to deal with pollution incidents as they occur , and we would hope with our monitoring and the pressure we put on third parties to er actually over the years , to improve things from what they are at the moment and to make things better .
5 So each week we can plot our , our value where this is one , somewhere down here is nought and we would hope to er , eventually get to a situation where our planned performance was somewhere near one so we would be pardon ?
6 The furious lights would flash past and we would move into the middle again .
7 And we would go through a song and everybody would keep trying different things .
8 And that we would issue those summary sheets at a staff meeting and we would go through it at a staff meeting and that that , probably that was as much as we could do
9 Then the suffocating cloud , the heat would move in , weighing down the air and we would go outside hoping to be able to breathe more easily .
10 Frequently they would meet us at the Sunday-school gate , and we would go for a walk before tea .
11 And we would go for walks together or just sit in the garden , talking .
12 The Information memorandum will only be released after we have received a confidentiality agreement and we would stress at this stage the need for total confidentiality .
13 Some of the squadron commanders , and maybe the odd flight commander who again was not flying , invariably pointed out they need not go back to their operational training unit , they could remain and we would send for their kit .
14 Carpets and cushions would be ordered and we would sit in the hot stillness , our voices quiet , the half-English , half-Arabic clear on the heavy air .
15 She would joke about the young ‘ uns with fat bums , riding around in cars and we would marvel at the so-called disabled people dismounting briskly from buses or climbing energetically from orange-badged cars .
16 ‘ We are very concerned at these incidents and we would appeal to anyone with any information to contact us or the police before an animal is killed . ’
17 Investment in road and rail links , particularly the rail link from Folkestone to the north of London — and we would argue beyond there — is vital .
18 Looked at more closely , however , the Greek example is not as powerful or effective as Goody and Watt would have us believe and we would need to be cautious in drawing any general implications from it .
19 Most of the source countries for drugs are outside the European community and we would deal with vessels from these places as we have always done , ’ he said .
20 and sew the seeds that there has been procrastination going along , and we 've got some very good ideas to offer his people , and we would like to er er and hope that he he will erm encourage his people to erm , get along and meet us .
21 Well , er I think that and I get it James and I go to Friday Lazard meetings , I think there is er a erm better feeling and we would look for progress in ninety three .
22 ‘ In this world everything belongs to humans and we would belong to them , too .
23 However , the C , C E C feels it needs to consult with regions , it needs more closely to examine the point in question and we would ask for reference of that resolution .
24 the first thing that we , we , we would respect is and suggest and this is a course which has been offered erm , erm , in order of other cases , er , we should ask that the er because of the adjournment necessary for investigation , the , the money will attract interest and we would ask for an order that the erm , the plaintiff is entitled to interest at the special account rate on any lump sum hereafter ordered to be paid , now what that means is that if at the end of the day the instruction say goes off and the conventional lump sum order is made , we are entitled to interest on the whole of that lump sum , if on the other hand a structured settlement is put into position and er part is either applied to the purchase of the annuities , in the commercial way to try and settle it or taken it back by the health authority , in consideration for self funding structured settlement , then we would only get the interest on the actual cash we have been kept
25 Goering thought the Blitz would bring England to its knees and we would sue for an armistice .
26 The plan was simple : run up , jump on to Kong 's back , pull him off the fallen Godzilla , throw him to the ground and then — well , we were n't sure what to do then , but we would think of something .
27 The symbol for the escarpment on the map was as small as a greenfly and easy to misinterpret but we would have to be more careful in future .
28 So conclude briefly there in that the City Council does support the the broad thrust of the County 's two policies here but we would ask for clarification on I five on the actual level of provision we should be providing on our local plan .
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