Example sentences of "[coord] she would [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In all cases , after stating the purpose of the report , the head teacher needs to set out clearly the decision he or she would advise the governors to take .
2 The telephone call was made , and Margaret , heard amid the distant screams of children quarrelling , gushed that it was a darling-idea and she would telephone the Advent herself , since she knew the women 's editor well .
3 ‘ She was actually very good at drawing and she would draw the residents .
4 He would thrash ; and she would make the same wound and stitch it .
5 Emily was being handed down to stand before the light-filled doorway of the Assembly Rooms and she took a deep breath of anticipation , this was her night , the night she was to be accepted as an adult and she would make the most of it .
6 If Catherine wanted something , I would give it to her , and she would do the same for me .
7 They named their eldest son Benjamin , after his maternal grandfather , and she would tell the young lad when he grew up of how she had been taught piano and organ by Benjamin James her father , there in that big house in Curry Rivel where they used to hang hams or sides of bacon in the huge chimney piece .
8 The people she would have to deal with in the London offices , paved with razor wire , rose up before her grotesquely and she would pull the sheets over her head and moan : ‘ I do n't want to get up — ever again ! ’
9 Her daughter would be perpetually in her debt , perpetually chained to her , and she would have the new stimulus of another baby to bring up .
10 Oh , and she would take the folding bike .
11 Before , he would splatter , and she would take the same pigment , the same colours , and assemble .
12 Yes , as soon as she was through sunbathing she would amble into the village , which she knew reasonably well , and she would use the public phone box to get in touch with her father .
13 Aubrey , she said , was committed to a lunch party with Primrose and her parents , but she would love the drive into the country and would happily accompany Harry since she had nothing better to do .
14 She would have to work out the rest of her shift , but she would take the next day off and go to see the doctor .
15 Her mind still wanted to whirl , but she would remember the words , ‘ Resist the evil that men do . ’
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