Example sentences of "[coord] she have the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In operational terms , someone has a need for health care if he or she has the appropriate indications for the intervention in question .
2 ‘ It is , ’ he mused evenly , and she had the uneasy feeling that he knew she was deliberately trying to change the subject .
3 And she had the uneasy feeling that the stormy feelings between them were n't going to blow themselves out , either .
4 They had both turned as she had entered , and she had the stupid urge to tell them to carry on , she hoped she was n't interrupting anything .
5 Her head was pounding dreadfully , and she had the awful sensation that she was going to actually throw up right in front of him .
6 She could n't just ignore him in his own house and she had the nasty feeling that she would not have been able to ignore him anywhere .
7 He turned back to what he was doing , his long fingers working quickly and expertly at the job , and she had the faintest feeling that she was being dismissed .
8 Leo was crouched before the fire , and she had the odd fleeting impression of power , a sort of unconscious arrogance that was only magnified when he turned his head .
9 Her heart was still beating strangely , and she had the distinct and humiliating sensation that Vass was aware of this shameful condition .
10 What I was saying was , just that like , they had all these pieces of furniture in there , it was supposed to be a suite , but my mum , my mum got round and tell you every single piece that was a different colour or the wrong shape , or did n't fit on the pedestal properly , or this and that , and she had the whole lot changed at least three times .
11 Paddy 's daughter was tall like him , and she had the same air of self-assurance .
12 In 1991 , she won more matches on clay than any other player , ( 24 ) , and she had the fourth best win/loss record of all players on that surface , ( 24/3 ) , with a percentage success rate of .904 , although it should be noted that , in 7 attempts to date , she has been unable to overcome the dominant hitting of Seles .
13 The blue eyes studied her lazily in the mirror , and she had the strangest sensation he was toying with her as a cat would a mouse before a kill .
14 He turned to face her then , his eyes intent as they met hers for one long minute , and she had the strangest feeling that he was trying to look inside her soul .
15 The feeling of being manoeuvred came back with a rush and she had the urgent desire to get out of this stuffy office fast .
16 She was risking that he might come in ; and she had the disconnected breathless out-of-control feeling that was fatal with Jasper .
17 Pamela Wray was making good progress at St Hilda 's College at Oxford University and she had the full support of her family .
18 After all , her sire is a recent Best Of Breed winner at Crufts and she has the old fashioned ‘ I 'll do anything to please you ’ attitude of the best Retrievers .
19 ‘ It just struck me , you and she have the same long eye-lashes , silky long , and so has Michel .
20 Controversy may have raged round the royal head of Marina Ogilvy but she had the good sense to choose a dress she could wear after her baby was born
21 He was a bit too horny to start with , but she had the four children and it was n't a problem now .
22 ‘ Of course it would n't bother me ! ’ she replied at once , but she had the awful feeling that her denial lacked the ring of truth .
23 But she had the prettiest face and the sweetest smile you 've ever seen .
24 Molly Fletcher had been a pretty girl , but she had the faded air of a flower that has been transplanted into the wrong soil .
25 She 's now 18 months old … but she has the mental and physical age of a 6 month old child .
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