Example sentences of "[coord] she be [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 The defendant must establish not only that the plaintiff consented to the risk but also that he or she agreed that if he or she was injured the loss should be his or hers and not the defendant 's .
2 Rosemary Shergold is waging a constant battle against the tobacco companies , and she 's enlisted the help of Oxford East MP Andrew Smith .
3 Cavell says you 've been invited to the awards ceremony , and she 's asked the organisers to seat us together .
4 So I suppose it 's what she wanted and she 's done the right thing .
5 She says people should look up to men of the cloth , and she 's told the vicar he 's a disgrace to his profession .
6 Aleena 's a serious kid and she 's learned the lesson . ’
7 That was bad enough , but when he told my daughter it started three weeks after they married and lasted until three months ago , she threw him out and she 's changed the locks of the house and says she will divorce him .
8 Nine months married and she 's started the headaches .
9 The claimant brought an action against the bank claiming that she be considered as automatically hired as from March 5,1986 ( the date on which the first of above male candidates had been hired ) and she be paid the relevant salary , plus interest , from that same date forward up to the actual payment .
10 She was constitutionally a Kali Carb. patient and she was given the 10M but sustained a long aggravation followed by weakening of her condition .
11 ‘ One of the film crew dived in and carried her to safety and she was given the kiss of life .
12 And she was given the honour of cutting the tape to open the pitch officially , along with ex-Cornard pupil and Sudbury Hockey Club goalkeeper Wayne Athey .
13 The debt was cleared , and she was given the opportunity to live without fear .
14 It did n't , and she was shown the door .
15 Not only has she caused enormous damage to the already fragile monarchy but she 's humiliated the man she 's still married to .
16 Anne Haine was n't expected to survive after she fell from her horse 18 months ago , but she 's proved the doctors wrong , fighting her way back into the saddle .
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