Example sentences of "[coord] she [was/were] [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 She knew , or she was persuaded that she knew , where he was bound .
2 This had never happened to her before , and she was dumbfounded that , in the course of a few seconds , her life could change so much .
3 And she was determined that this would not happen .
4 And she was determined that I was going to fall in love with the girl .
5 The diagnosis was explained and she was reassured that there was no serious disease .
6 He sounded weary and she was reminded that he must be very tired .
7 East Clwyd coroner David Jones read a statement by Jacob 's mother , Alison Bates , in which she said her pregnancy had been normal but she was warned that intervention might be necessary because of the position of the baby 's head .
8 She had lost one son — lost him truly , for she realized that he must be in Ireland now — but she was determined that she would not lose a daughter .
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