Example sentences of "[coord] she [modal v] [vb infin] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The first comment may mean that the child has no experience of seeing rusted metal , or she may have seen rusty objects but not connected them in any way with exposure to air and moisture .
2 The departure of a ‘ special ’ child may be particularly problematic because he or she may have invoked part of the parents ' own history , or because the child performed a vital role in the family such as ‘ go-between ’ or communicator .
3 Or she may have asked to go . ’
4 For , in the absence of a contrary agreement with the original lessor , the original tenant remains liable throughout the entire term of the lease irrespective of the fact that he or she may have assigned or sold the tenancy to another .
5 She may have used the window as a convenient piece of misdirection , or she may have opened it to let Latimer in .
6 Mr Wakerley suggested Miss Dart might have tried to escape , or she may have screamed , or she possibly saw Sams undisguised and had to be killed .
7 or she 'll get burnt wo n't she ?
8 She was quite happy to let me do my survey and eventually I had to make my excuses or she would have gone on chatting all day .
9 Yet it 's bad , must be , or she would have phoned herself .
10 ‘ She was so bad it was lucky she died , or she would have ended up in prison , or hung . ’
11 Clearly the brute of a man had forgotten all about the interview — so too had Milada Pankracova , or she would have reminded him .
12 I do n't know whether there was anyone there from BBC Television , but if there was , he or she would have had no doubt who should be the person to present a regular natural history programme if and when they got round to it .
13 ‘ I found I had to be very firm with her , or she 'd have run rings around me , and how would she learn ?
14 ‘ No spunk , or she 'd have left him long ago .
15 But that ca n't be true , Sabine thought , or she 'd have burned the lot , and put the key down the nearest drain .
16 Or she 'd have let me know .
17 Whoever the caddie , the money will have been well earned ; it is a safe bet that he or she will have had to struggle as hard as his or her player to get to the top of the tree — while carrying forty-five pounds of dead-weight on his back for four miles and four hours as well !
18 Even then she might have decided not to answer him , or she could have let it be seen by accident before knowing what it was .
19 By this time tomorrow the whole thing would be forgotten and she would have forgiven Paula .
20 And she would have gone .
21 Trustingly she slipped a small hand into one of his , and she would have gone with him anywhere , but he detached her fingers after giving them a reassuring squeeze .
22 She was an implacable bitch and she would have poisoned their minds against me anyway .
23 He sounded unspeakably shocked , his voice low and urgent , and she would have liked to pretend that she was seriously ill .
24 She put on her black trousers and her chocolate-brown sweater because they were at the top of the first suitcase she opened and she would have worn them at home on a cool autumn day when there was mist on the hills and woodsmoke in the lanes and …
25 Her heart emptied itself out , you could have tolled her and she would have sounded hollow and cracked .
26 She wanted the turtle to tell her more about this Love Your Enemies scheme , and she would have asked him , but all of a sudden they heard a tremendous HAR-ROOMF !
27 They were beautiful , and she would have loved to be able to buy one , but even the simplest was far beyond her pocket .
28 It was an idyllic setting and she would have loved to linger , just drinking in the peace and beauty , but there were too many pressing tasks to be dealt with .
29 When she was hurt she put herself out of reach ; Caro knew that by now , and she would have given a lot to undo the conversation .
30 She would have worn her furs and her jewellery and she would have struck an even odder note than Lili .
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