Example sentences of "[coord] as it is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mr. Gould the author of the Birds of Europe is about leaving this country for New Holland , or as it is now called Australia .
2 An alternative approach which has a number of advantages over linear control systems , is the switching regulator , or as it is more usually known , the ‘ switch-mode power supply ’ .
3 James inaugurated the modern or as it is sometimes called , the ‘ modernist ’ novel in England , a kind of fiction which , in pursuit of a more faithful representation of reality , attenuated or eliminated altogether the authorial narrator .
4 Nevertheless , in the course of the twentieth century , following the experience of various forms of dictatorship , some of which have developed from socialist revolutions , this distinction has been overlaid by another , between ‘ totalitarianism ’ and ‘ democracy ’ , or as it is sometimes expressed , between one-party and multi-party systems .
5 The largest of these was the Forum of Trajan but the oldest is the Forum Romanum , or as it is often called , simply ‘ the Forum ’ .
6 I have consulted the most celebrated authors on comparative anatomy , but do not find any such structures of those parts described ; and as it is not known to you , I may presume that it has not been before taken notice of .
7 And as it is quite feasible for a single transaction to have a different currency for each stage of the business cycle — order , invoice , payment , and bank transactions posted to a single account , whether a general ledger account , customer account , or supplier account , should ideally be possible in any currency .
8 Since and expresses so many connective meanings and as it is so frequent in speech it is not surprising that young children sometimes overuse it in their writing , as in this piece by an 8 year old boy :
9 A party is not mandated to carry out particular policies in the sense of the term " mandate " used above , and as it is commonly understood .
10 The case for loans has been most strongly argued by a group at the London School of Economics whose main criticism of an entirely grant-based approach is that it favours better-off families , and as it is currently operated it leaves many students in poverty .
11 However , as terraces are usually degraded and as it is usually extremely difficult to determine their precise limits , a degree of accuracy lower than that required for the long profiles of streams is permissible .
12 While the earliest sources give no clue to the date of Molla Fenari 's appointment to the Muftilik but simply state that he was Mufti , later Turkish tradition has asserted that the Muftilik was created in the time of Murad II ; and as it is almost universally held that Molla Fenari was the first Mufti , his appointment , if the tradition is to be believed , must have occurred after 824/1421 , the year of Murad II 's accession .
13 Standard controls are a single wheel on a fixed left-side-only or throw-over yoke pivoting fore-and-aft on a centreline pillar ; but as it is partly intended for training G-DHCB has twin control wheels at either end of a Y-shaped structure .
14 The track that crosses the BCR at Longville Bridge runs below the railway at this point , and perhaps the screen was for the benefit of users of the track , but as it is also below the railway on the opposite side of the ford , and no screen was suggested there , it seems doubtful that this was the reason .
15 Er B B C radio York you are not in the South of France but as it is persistently snowing around the county at the moment I thought you know a little French flavour .
16 It is , therefore , for the information of tutors ‘ old ’ and ‘ new ’ , as well as for students and members , that I now outline the education and examination system that the Institute wanted , not as it was , not as some may think it is , ( or should be ) , but as it is today .
17 As for HMS United she had been on station at the rendezvous ; but as it is barely possible to see a 10,000 tonner at 400 yards on a rough night there is little chance of seeing the recognition signals from a canoe when these torch or RG beams are a mere four feet ( just over a metre ) at arm 's length above the waves .
18 Understandable had I been writing this in August , but as it is still March it looks as if we are in for another drought this summer .
19 Until 1988 it was known as the Archbishop of Canterbury 's Certificate , but as it is now open to Roman Catholics has been renamed the Archbishops ' Certificate ( ACertCM ) .
20 Erm so it 's worth doing that we I , cos I was gon na go I was gon na go Thursday and just come back on the Monday but as it is now we 'll go Wednesday and have Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , Sunday night , so we 'll come back on the Monday .
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