Example sentences of "[coord] that [pers pn] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Yet it would be anachronistic to assume that they had surrendered their rights in anticipation of Marxist theories about the superiority of the all-Russian market , or that they felt a particular brotherly love towards the Great Russian folk .
2 A number of people were granted exemption on the grounds either that they were too poor to pay taxes and rates or that they had a certificate signed by the minister and parish officers to the effect that their premises were worth not more than 1 per annum or that their personal property was worth less than £10 per annum ; however , no exemption was allowed anyone possessing more than two hearths .
3 Thus even if we accept that the duty of directors to act in the best interests of shareholders can be equated with a duty to maximize profits this does not provide us with any real assurance that the wishes of the shareholders are being executed by the directors or that we have a satisfactory way of controlling the discretion accorded to directors in the name of the Rule of Law .
4 This could perhaps be that the new doctor 's surgery is nearer , or easier for her to get to , has less steps to climb to the front door , or that she has a neighbour on his list who would accompany her to the surgery .
5 It can be a problem if , for example , the groom speaks no English : either he , or the bride and her family , may feel he ought to have the opportunity to speak at his own wedding , or that he has a duty to honour his hosts by thanking them publicly .
6 The plaintiff must go further and show that the doctor is not suitably qualified or that the examination is not necessary or that he has a reasonable apprehension about the particular doctor which , if realised , might make a fair trial more difficult than if another doctor were to examine him .
7 But there again if there ever was a strike or that you 've a wee bit protection .
8 These are all responses which were highly suitable in prehistoric times when events required either that you ran away as fast as you could or that you had a surge of energy to help you fight your way out of a difficult situation as ferociously as possible ( fight or flight behaviour ) .
9 You understand that it is a condition of us accepting your booking that you take out for yourself and for those for whom you book our recommended holiday insurance ( details on page 15 ) , or that you arrange a policy yourself giving comparable or better cover under all sections .
10 If someone has offered you free riding on their horse they are not going to appreciate finding their yard covered in droppings and scattered with grooming kit after you have left , or that you abandoned a sweaty horse without seeing to it after you have ridden .
11 Or suppose , again , that your neighbour has agreed with you that he will not open a public house or carry on a school of music next door , and does and threatens to continue doing one or the other ; or that you have a right to light for your windows , and he threatens to erect a building within three feet of them .
12 Although individual consent was of central importance to Hobbes , he did not believe that the authority of law rested on the fact that it promoted a desirable objective or that it reflected a profound truth .
13 Or that it describes a daily shudder of one whole millimetre in all directions as the marble expands and contracts under the Italian sun .
14 we must no longer say that the self perceives , thinks , or loves , or that it has a perception or thought or an emotion .
15 It is true that we are more enlightened than we were ; there is a public which has learnt to smile at the reviewer who declares that a line ‘ will not scan ’ , or that it contains a ‘ trochee ’ where it should have had an ‘ iamb ’ , without considering whether it was ever intended to ‘ scan ’ , or whether there is anything in English verse which can be treated as the absolute equivalent of a Greek or Latin trochee .
16 It was vital to give the impression at any rate that I and my board colleagues were in control of affairs and that we had a clear strategy that somehow was going to restore our business to its former glory .
17 People clung to our arms as we walked out and an Officer emptied Pernod over Gibeau 's tunic , telling him that it was Christmas and that we had a right to enjoy ourselves .
18 So when we look at the grimacing gestures of a chimpanzee and wonder at the almost ludicrous parallels with our own behaviour this is just part of a whole host of behavioural and anatomical similarities that show without doubt that we ought to be classified with the apes ( we are all of us primates ) , and that we share a distant ancestor with our diminutive caricatures .
19 He will not forget , particularly when we have the presidency next year , that Malta has applied for membership of the Community and that we owe a great debt of gratitude to the Maltese people .
20 I think that 's very important , it is specifically aimed at students , I mean I , this , this is no way a leaflet for the general public and , and one of the reasons is the explicitness because it 's aimed at students and that we did a lot of research with students , students were involved in the writing .
21 I recognise that companies are under considerable pressures and that we face a period of uncertainty .
22 The important thing in dealing with our self-image is that we recognise that we are different creatures with different skills and abilities , and that we have a very realistic idea of what our skills and inabilities actually are .
23 If we assume that we are not the proprietors but the trustees of this world and that we have a deed of covenant to honour , this at once introduces certain absolutes into economic life and certain limits on the exercise of freedom .
24 QUIREBOYS and that we have a terrible punishment planned to chastise such arrant , nay , wanton sexism ?
25 Is it within your power to draw the Prime Minister 's attention to the fact that his first responsibility is to the House of Commons , that there is a Prime Minister 's Question Time every Tuesday and Thursday and that we have a Foreign Secretary and a Secretary of State for Defence who are quite able to deal with international and defence commitments overseas ?
26 QUIREBOYS and that we have a terrible punishment planned to chastise such arrant , nay , wanton sexism ?
27 ‘ And I think it 's going to be very important that I sell it to the Congress and the American people , and that we have a partnership here . ’
28 So he created a smokescreen , making the excuse that he did n't think Steve was a good enough guitarist by himself and that we needed a second guitar .
29 These examples gave the journalists the story for which they were looking , and they used them in headlines to show that our Report was against the teaching of grammar and ‘ correct ’ English , and that we favoured a policy of ‘ anything goes ’ .
30 Have you ever wondered how we prepare all the food for the mouth-watering recipe photography in BBC Good Food Many people seem to think that we cheat by photographing mashed potato instead of ice-cream , and that we paint a chicken or make cotton wool pies .
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