Example sentences of "[coord] that [pron] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In his obituary in The Stage , the writer pertinently remarked that ‘ People die not so much on account of their age or that they are worn out , but because of the loss of their lifelong associates . ’
2 Those unit trusts which are ‘ unauthorised ’ normally owe their status to the fact either that they invest in unauthorised assets such as property or commodities , or that they are managed from an offshore location and therefore are not subject to UK regulation .
3 In the past , it has been assumed that nurses have already developed these skills when leaving school , or that they are acquired whilst providing patient care .
4 This suggests that ZNF11A and associated sequences either lie in close proximity to the centromere on 10q , amongst highly repetitive satellite DNA families , or that they are located on the short arm of chromosome 10 .
5 It used to be a popular theory that death-feigning animals were somehow self-hypnotised , or that they were thrown into such an acute state of shock by their tormentors that they went into an unconscious , cataleptic state , as though from a fit or seizure .
6 Simon denies that anything was said in private or that they were criticised by the coaches or management .
7 Some experts maintain that these molluscs were able to swim in the open ocean , or that they were attached to floating seaweed : some such mechanism has to be invoked to explain how these bivalves came into an environment that lacked bottom-living animals .
8 She knows she could have pointed out how troops from India fought alongside the British in the war , or that she was born in that far-off , exotic setting , Middlesbrough General Hospital , and was indeed just on her way home but he was drunk as well as ill-informed , so it hardly seemed worth it .
9 She could make up a story , say she suffered temporary amnesia , or that she was knocked unconscious by thieves and all her money was gone , but she doubted she could make it sound believable .
10 Some also suggested that a national holiday be established in his honour or that he be given some honorific title — le Bienfaisant or ( significantly ) Le Père du Peuple .
11 As a member of that Council I emphatically deny that he has had any mandate , or that he is justified in assuming that the Council as a whole takes his view .
12 Or that he is betrayed ?
13 It seems that the main annalist 's fondness for tales of woe in this case led him to distort the facts , or that he was misled by sources which did so .
14 However , we had absolutely no evidence , as required by the guidelines , that he was concerned in any criminal activity or that he was engaged in a major subversive or espionage activity which was likely to injure the national interest .
15 It is sometimes a way of endowing a person with a responsibility that trains him to fulfil various roles in the future , or that it is hoped will change his character for the better , or that endows its holder with prestige , or that gives him a certain hold on other people and makes them more likely to act in his interests .
16 Therefore one would have to say either that the power elite is a mere statistical phenomenon , a category , an aggregate of disparate individuals who happen to share some socially relevant resources , or that it is united by its objective interest .
17 Neither is it a defence to claim that best practicable means have been taken to abate or prevent the odour complained of from arising , or that it is emitted during the exercise of a business or trade in a reasonable or proper manner .
18 For while they indicate how complicated and taxing it would be to build inside the scaffolding erected by Althusser , they do not show either that the building would stand or that it is doomed to collapse .
19 I do not believe that what we have heard today represents a settled statement of policy , or that it is founded upon solid conviction .
20 For the purposes of mens rea or the mental state of the accused , where his awareness is impaired by intoxicants he shall be taken to be aware of that which he would have been aware if not intoxicated , unless he shows either that his intoxication was not self-induced or that it was caused solely by the taking or administration of a substance in the course of medical treatment ( Section 6(5) ) .
21 They denied that TM was addictive or produced ‘ spiritual trips ’ , or that it was viewed as a way of saving themselves by their own efforts .
22 A novelist can be even more helpful by saying that the phrase in question was spoken waggishly , or grimly , or that it was snapped out as the character turned angrily on his heel .
23 I can hardly suppose that she sat for you or that it was commissioned . ‘
24 A similar photograph , with variations as to size and county , appeared month after month , giving the impression that those who read Country Life were above change , or that none was recognised there .
25 There is no mention anywhere of the fact that these were brothers and sisters , nor that they were born in Frome ; that has been for us to establish later .
26 It is n't just that the repertory is far-removed from that of the harp 's romantic territory — and , to the best of my recollection , of a kind last explored ( more conservatively and on a modern instrument ) in an entire disc by Zabaleta ( Archiv ) over 20 years ago , nor that it is played on two pedal-less early harps , it 's the spirit with and in which it is executed .
27 No proof is available that the incident was designed to produce such a backlash nor that it was masterminded by an element within the government 's undercover set-up .
28 She did not consciously know that , with Luke 's swift co-operation , she had rid him of his tie , nor that she was left unaided to tear at his shirt buttons with frantic fingers ; and it was only through her senses that she knew when she came to hard flesh and soft springy hair , her palm sliding damply over his chest , fingers catching luxuriously in the light tangle of hair covering it .
29 Secondly , if the GATT round collapses , will he give an assurance that contingency arrangements will be made by the British Government to ensure that the multi-fibre arrangement continues and that everything is done to defend employment and the trading position of the British textile industry ?
30 It is essential that the United Nations operation there is properly supported and that everything is done fairly .
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