Example sentences of "[coord] that [noun] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 It might be interpreted as saying that V has a mode of access to his own brain different from any modes of access to V 's brain available to BS ; or that V has a different mode of access to the external world , and that this constitutes the difference between him and BS .
2 Many expressed the feeling that Gorbachov is now more vulnerable than ever before , and that Yeltsin has a unique platform from which to attack the Soviet leadership .
3 The absolutist view is that this would not be a sufficient appreciation of the matter and that corporations have a separate liability to tax .
4 We were told that she set to work ‘ editing ’ the crazed philosopher 's work to make it more Nazi , and that Elisabeth had a strong and malign influence on the growth of National Socialism .
5 We also leaned that Christian , the husband , was a cake-maker , and that Greenland had a very good cake shop .
6 He should remember that export volumes of manufactured goods grew faster than in the United States throughout the 1980s , that manufacturing grew faster than in France or Italy during the 1980s , and that Britain exports a larger proportion of its national product than Japan , a point recognised by even the Scottish National party .
7 They also allege that a suicide note written by Paula , 33 , was not genuine , and that Gilfoyle had a relationship with a woman works colleague .
8 They also allege that a suicide note written by Paula , 33 , was not genuine , and that Gilfoyle had a relationship with a woman works colleague .
9 They also allege that a suicide note written by Paula , 33 , was not genuine , and that Gilfoyle had a relationship with a woman works colleague .
10 They also allege that a suicide note written by Paula , 33 , was not genuine , and that Gilfoyle had a relationship with a woman works colleague .
11 At first he kept saying that housekeeping was a piece of cake and that women made a big fuss about nothing but since the washing machine broke down he has n't said that .
12 Stella Browne , the Canadian socialist feminist , argued that female desire was a powerful natural force and that women had a valid right to sexual enjoyment .
13 But I fancy that England is content to get on with the war , and that things take a more practical turn at home .
14 What is clear to anyone reading the report is that the Benson Commission accepted that the practice of law was a professional activity and that professions display a number of common characteristics :
15 Observations like these suggest that there is , in fact , a felt connection between grammatical gender and sex , and that speakers perceive a covert hierarchy between masculine and feminine , mirroring ( also , of course , reproducing ) the social hierarchy between them .
16 A straw poll by The Bookseller last week revealed that Octopus , Bloomsbury and Macmillan were among publishers who closed for Christmas but reopened before New Year , and that publishers taking a 10 day break — closing on Christmas Eve and reopening on 4th January — included HarperCollins , Transworld , OUP , CUP , Orion and Dorling Kindersley .
17 ‘ They should make it clear that corporal punishment is outmoded and that children have a right to be brought up in their own religion .
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