Example sentences of "[coord] i just say [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So I got very , very depressed about it all and I just said to the officers , ‘ Put me in my cell and leave me alone .
2 ‘ I grew up when that kind of modernism was running rampant — it still is — when to be a respectable composer meant that you had to acquire a defiantly difficult style and I just said to myself , ‘ surely there 's another way to do this ? ’
3 And I just said to her , ‘ Fine — because do n't forget who paid for the reception ’ . ’
4 Right , and I just said to her , we will know the outcome of it wo n't we ?
5 The European community on the other hand also saw a growth of output of over twenty percent , twenty three point seven percent but that gave rise not to eighteen million but to only six million additional jobs and I just say to the honourable gentleman the lesson for Europe is to go further down the route that I have suggested of further deregulation and less bureaucracy and a stable economic framework , than to go down the route that he is advocating in his short address and question to me .
6 Well , they can come in to the church , as many of them do , erm and I just say to them well , you know , do you respect this place and fine , it 's a place where we do n't chuck anybody out who comes into church for all sorts of reasons during the day when the church is open , you know , people come in , and there are many people like the ones we 've been talking about , who are in desperate need , and we just ask them to respect certain fairly mild rules they can always go out in the churchyard and smoke , but in the building itself we say no smoking and no drinking .
7 But I just say to my honourable friend I do n't think er compulsion er is the route with that we should follow .
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