Example sentences of "[coord] i would [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 And I would urge the panel to send out their proposed leaflet to the ministers in various areas where the educational standards are not very high that they may look at them and put forward suggestions so that the leaflet that eventually comes out will be understood by the whole of our people and not just by the most educated .
2 No decision has yet been taken on how United Kingdom delegates will be apportioned and I would welcome the hon. Gentleman 's ideas .
3 That level of contact must certainly be maintained in future under the Commission , and I would expect the national coaches to be co-opted on to the Commission itself as non-voting members . ’
4 I would start by throwing Cynthia away and I would sit the little children on a shelf while I swept the crumbs off the floor . ’
5 That was my work , then when she came down on duty , she would sit one side of the table with her books and I would sit the other and count all the money , you see , then I would take this money er , in a bag , through on to the black through the , past the ticket collector and take it to the booking office and they took it from me and took it when they took their money to the bank , you see .
6 I was a damned good half for about six minutes , at which point some lumbering Neanderthal would drop his 17-stone frame on my more delicate structure , and I would view the rest of the game from the sideline , where I lay whimpering and counting broken bones .
7 Under the bishop 's plan he and I were to change places , and while I was on furlough he was to keep both jobs going , and I would do the same on my return .
8 So and I would extend the same argument to abortion and I would say erm wh what happens in abortion admittedly erm an artificial abortion mean means that presumably a spontaneous abortion has has n't happened , but a modern woman is using extra means that she has er at her disposal , probably to deal with extra problems which evolution originally could not foresee and ultimately her self-interest might be just as well served by having er induced the abortion ultimately as it would by erm by not having but I mean this is just my personal view , and I do n't
9 He said he knew what you were up to and I would lock the door against you if I so much as guessed the half of it .
10 ( In later years , adult years , while sitting in London stuffed with wholemeal digestives soaked in tea , I would be filled with the wheat and candour of this smell , and I would hold the digestive as long as I could in my mouth , as if aiming to grasp its exact ingredient and texture , to become its body and its recipe ) .
11 Each evening , after supper , Ann and I would launch the boat and fish the long summer night , accompanied by the sound of curlew and ghostly shape of long-eared owl ; and happy splash of rising trout .
12 Well , if there are n't any questions er , I would return to the resolutions , er , separately and I would propose the first one which is an ordinary resolution namely it 's resolution one , set out in the notice of meeting to increase the authorized share capital of the company .
13 I hope this little titbit of news about the crews that were formed and especially the ones of Rivetus because that is what you 're writing about , since he was the only one back from the Hundredth Bomb Group but how well we knew him in training since the two crews trained together and of course the flying part of it and myself have coordinated our flying with our co-pilots , we used to , just the two of us go up , and we would actually fly a circle around one plane over another , so one plane was and the other plane would fly circles around it and keeping up with it and this calls for close teamwork between the pilot and the co-pilot because as you 're keen and went into view and and then of course we switched roles and I would become the leader and he 'd fly circles around me , training with his co-pilot .
14 On the question of registration of electors , clearly it is very important that if we now have less than nine weeks from this evening for those possibly four hundred thousand people to seek registration then the it is essential that the minister and the department er engage in a serious advertising campaign to ensure that people can exercise the rights that are due to them and I would like the minister perhaps in his later remarks , to expand on what , if any , measure the government intends to take to publicise the fact of E C voting rights to those four hundred thousand or so er European citizens of voting age resident in this country .
15 Er the only thing that I have not handed you is the Labour resolution which er twice mentions demands now although I 'm supporting this strong report here , I think it 's a mistake to demand things , it is , it does n't put people in a very good frame of mind to coax them but and I would ask the er Miss who I think we 're going to vote for this , whether she would consider changing to request , because I think we going to the situation where we make it known to the Department of Transport that we 're a string of such like , we do n't to upset them any more , I think that we requested that we answer is we would actually get a result in one .
16 But normally you find that erm both Stan and I would consider the large goods vehicles drivers as being the professionals , because you are driving all the time .
17 It 's always been on my mind — I suppose it always will — and I 've always said that if I got the opportunity to kill the man I 'd do it , and I would take the consequences .
18 Nigel used to say , ‘ If you can read , you can cook , ’ and I would say the same of gardening .
19 Yes erm because I doubt it , erm at the moment with the fund that we 're talking about the erm the close scheme , because most of these people in B T were originally erm in the Post Office , and of course when the they split erm then the erm Post Office workers went over to B T , they get a B T pension but in actual fact they paid into a pension scheme erm for many of them for forty years because they come into that age group , where so many people , you took a job when you were twenty o or or sixteen and you stayed with it for life , you did n't chop and change like people do these days and the majority of our members erm we can go down and I would say the vast majority of our members have actually worked for the Post Office or starting with the Post Office and then B T or staying with the Post Office for forty years , there 's no end of them they 've got in there forty years service .
20 The only thing is though , I mean , you see but I think the church itself and I would say the church as the group now
21 On Sunday mornings Auntie would bring it back clean , cook lunch — which always included the one vegetable I can stomach , ie beans-in-a-tin because they 're not disgusting green — and afterwards she and I would play the test match while Pa worked on his sermon .
22 I felt if I gripped it too hard it would break or crumple , and I would see the sinews like wires holding it together .
23 ‘ People generally believe in the efficacy of hospitals and the police and I would put the Church in that mould — not something to be revered or mystified .
24 I 'm happy to accept that amendment , and I would put the motion , as amended , to the vote .
25 In those circumstances the decision of the justices was right and I would dismiss the appeal .
26 Sometimes when I was n't in training , he and I would spend the evening round the pubs , carry bottles home , listen to music and talk till four .
27 Our friends would pick and pod the peas and beans , and Nigel and I would complete the operation .
28 But I would prefer the British scene to keep the accent on the wrestling — a combination of the American flair for the hype and the traditional good British wrestling moves . ’
29 I am looking for a Leeds United match programme … not looking for any particular but I would prefer the most recent or a forthcoming copy .
30 Not sure about the ANSI but I would put the Himem before the erm Three Eight Six .
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