Example sentences of "[coord] i [was/were] look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tal talking about pensions Tom , the chap er cha with the office girls and that and , and checking our expense sheets , he , he er they put a notice on the board you could ante your what , in your pension , you could a put a bit more into it and I were looking at notice and he says ooh he says it 's no good for you , he says er w well I told you about it did n't I ?
2 So anyway yesterday afternoon I was checking through it when the phone went again to ask about the washing machine and I was looking through the paper to see whether , and they 'd put it in this week !
3 And I was looking through the videos there .
4 But erm , and I was looking through all these posters and most of them were of nude women !
5 We were nearly on the beach and I was looking over the side of the ship .
6 I think these things were not common in those days and I was looking for someone who had great potential , and decided I 'd found it in David Bowie .
7 There were a lot of distractions , and I was looking for the .
8 We were living here and there , and I was looking for investors , so we gave a care-of-Cook 's address .
9 And I was looking for real ones this time .
10 We were just walking away , and I was looking for some sort of rubbish container in which to put the bag of icing sugar , when we suddenly heard all those sirens going , and saw masses of policemen running into the park .
11 You look at a crowd of people , er last , a week , a week yesterday at Wembley at the Billy Graham mission there , er we were sitting in one place and I was looking for , for some other folk and I knew approximately where they were and there I was stand , they were , all you could really see was this mass of people , very difficult to pick out individuals within them but God does n't see it as a mass like that .
12 We went to this very flash restaurant and I was really nervous , you know the feeling — anyway blood was rushing , and I was looking at the menu — my French is pretty good — and I thought I 'd fancy a pork cutlet .
13 I was just checking here in from the book by and I was looking at the chapter here on Roses Rivetus and er and it was on the mission to Munster here that er Third Combat Mission once a day for three days ' running was to Munster it was this ill-fated mission that made the reputation as the bloody Hundredth and of course this is the one that he only came back from .
14 There was something that seemed very easy for lots of these people , and I was looking at it as somebody who did n't feel quite so easy about what they were doing .
15 from you and , and I was looking at that and ticking boxes and I was , I was almost not listening to what you were saying at times .
16 Campaign on a what do you call it and erm and funny enough I was reading the Campaign yesterday and I was looking at the er thing and they 've got a sale on have n't they ?
17 He had a cigarette in his hand and flicking ash up the carpet and I was looking at him , you know , and I was sort of going , and Jane was sat in here and she said , put that cigarette out !
18 Well , er we 're very lucky that er Oxford 's pretty well covered , yes , we 've , or could do with some more volunteers of course , but we 've got about one hundred and twenty people who 'll be going out in the city , and I was looking at a map this morning and it 's very well covered indeed with purple and yellow lines where we 've actually got people on the ground .
19 And I was looking at the drills , and
20 And I was looking after her father .
21 And I was looking in the yesterday and they sell them in You Ca n't Go Wrong for five ninety nine for Robert .
22 But I was looking for someone else .
23 Most people said I should get probation , but I was looking on the black side and thought I would get a sentence of three to five years .
24 But I was looking at immensity .
25 They do n't occur at a uniform rate , but there 's nothing in Darwinism which implies that they should , but I was looking at some data on radiolarians recently in which about every sixty thousand years there 's a population sample — I mean you can estimate and see the rate at which this stuff is building up — and in no occasion in a period of sixty thousand years did the population change by more than about half a standard deviation .
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