Example sentences of "[coord] i [vb mod] never have " in BNC.

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1 The only person who ever explained what the operation was for was the nurse at the hospital , or I would never have known .
2 ‘ I had no idea , ’ she informed him earnestly , ‘ no idea at all what Rose had in mind , or I would never have gone with her .
3 I had no idea you did n't approve of go-go dancing or I 'd never have taken you there . ’
4 I thought you were an experienced professional or I 'd never have let you go in the first place !
5 One of the big syndicates will give it full coverage , and I 'll never have to work again .
6 ‘ There 's something I need to say to you , Dad , and I 'll never have the courage to do it face to face .
7 Also , I am not a typist and I would never have written my first book if I did not know that Joyce was able and willing to decipher my handwriting , unsnarl my spelling and type the manuscript .
8 We were just girlfriend and boyfriend and I would never have done anything to harm her .
9 And I 'd never have thought Buckmaster capable of such a human remark .
10 I 'd have found some boring ordinary job and paid off the cops and you 'd have your new crystal and I 'd never have met Marco and his pals and I 'd be a happier woman today .
11 ‘ It was pure sex , and I should never have been so damn crazy !
12 Grace commented , ‘ Robbie is a lovely dog and I could n't give him up now , but I would never have dreamt that rescuing a dog could cause me to lose my home .
13 But I would never have asked her .
14 But I would never have considered marrying someone I did n't admire greatly .
15 she said now that looks artificial , but I would never have thought the
16 But I should never have let you slip away so easily .
17 ‘ I 'm too young for pearls , ’ she teased , ‘ and I have shoes enough , but I can never have enough of romance . ’
18 ‘ I know , ’ Kitty said , ‘ but I 'd never have thought of it without you , it just would n't have crossed my mind .
19 I did n't want her to be evacuated without me , but I 'd never have left the old ladies . ’
20 I was a lot more worried about you — versatile I might be , but I 'd never have been able to do the make-up you 've created ! ’
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