Example sentences of "[coord] i [verb] [verb] my " in BNC.

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1 We crashed … and I 've been ill , or I 've lost my memory or something .
2 So to get back to what we say er yeah I like to fix a date and if people phone up and say well look I 've I 've got something else or I 've changed my mind I would rather have that than to have lots of paper work on my desk that just says may be or may be not .
3 I 'd blacked my eyebrows till they were like tarmac , I 'd put raspberry-coloured gloss thick on my lips and I 'd done my eyelids in a limey shade of green .
4 I cam away feeling better because I 'd saved myself quite a bit of money , and I 'd done my bit towards helping the environment .
5 I would , if I 'd got a fast car and I 'd lost my dreams .
6 We 'd been in our first house for just over five years , and I 'd served my d-i-y apprenticeship then , improving slightly as each room was restored and decorated .
7 ‘ We walked into this shop in Denmark Street , ’ relates Niall Linehan , ‘ with the intention of buying a spare guitar , and I 'd had my eye on this Gibson Les Paul hanging on the wall there .
8 I 'd got my toast and strawberry jam , I 'd treated myself to a doughnut as well , and I 'd got my bag and my money and my dreams back .
9 There 's an Antiques Fair this week just along Park End Street , and I 'd got my eye on a little set of drawers , yew-wood veneer .
10 I had a new top on , and I 'd washed my hair , I was dead pleased she 'd noticed .
11 Rome Central is one of the three top postings in the country , along with Milan and Naples , and I 'd worked my way there through a succession of jobs in various provincial headquarters .
12 By 9.15 Callahan and Ted still had n't showed at Jocko 's , and I 'd forgotten my webbed gloves .
13 Got all this stuff to type up and I 'd forgotten my typewriter .
14 We will both retire around May and I hope to spend my free time on my hobby , photography . ’
15 I got an elbow in the face as I went up for a header and I remember putting my head down and running straight into Bull 's back .
16 and I remember doing my first , one of my first essays erm saying that I did n't think they were and all that they were erm was the fact that er er of and you said to me at the end that 's fine as far you 've argued it but I think you 'll change your views as you go on and I do n't know if I have .
17 maroon and erm , navy , which is what I like , and they are warm , and I like to wear my gloves all the time .
18 But I did n't get married four times because I like trolling down the aisle , I got married four times because I like the idea of being married and I like sharing my life with a man .
19 ‘ There 's a fair amount of to-ing and fro-ing from the courts ’ , explains Mace , ‘ and I like to maintain my contact with the live action on court , as well as the monitored information in the press room .
20 The cleaning girl 's sick , and I like to trust my own , if you know what I mean . ’
21 Only the walls heard this delirious talk , but I was suddenly seized by a guilty fear , and became convinced that the two children were taking it in and that it was ringing in Aisha 's ears at work , and I rushed to pack my suitcase before she came back .
22 I go past this bloke selling papers and he shouts summat out and I got to stick my fingers in my ears , it 's so loud .
23 I am not particularly patient about unfinished business and I mean to see my mother happy and settled before you leave . ’
24 He then fortunately disappeared and I proceeded to put my bet on the horse , which I am happy to say romped home at forty to one .
25 My life depended on my coolness , and I fought to control my murderous passions .
26 I 've taken note of the hints given in Starting Block and I 've organized my hard disk into 19 subdirectories and up to 6 levels of sub-subdirectories .
27 ‘ You 've been asking all the questions , and I 've done my best to answer them .
28 You left him for me to tend , with never a word , and I 've done my best for him .
29 And I 've done my homework . ’
30 Er , you know , I 'm alright , and I 've done my back now and I 'm sure it 's with coughing cos every time I cough now it really hurts !
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