Example sentences of "[coord] for [num] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lets can be for 364 days or for two separate periods in winter and summer .
2 Here there was no need for closure to hover behind the death-rate , or for one mental hospital to be engorged for another to shut .
3 You should watch out for any fish that may harass all of the other inmates to the point of serious damage ; or for one particular fish being harassed by the rest of its companions to the point of being shoved into a corner .
4 For one litter of kittens to encounter another , or for one nursing mother to come close to another 's nest , would be a rare occurrence .
5 And for one private hospital , the contract could be worth up to 180,000 pounds .
6 Our own judgement is a severely negative one , and for one central reason : we punish too much — and in particular , we imprison too much .
7 Oddly enough — those of you who may recall what it was like in the Ruhr ( or as crews called it " The Happy Valley " ) — on this occasion there was one searchlight waving about near the top of the Ruhr , and for one agonising moment it waved over the Whitley , and there was another one at the bottom by the Cologne end .
8 They gazed in bovine surprise at the scarlet-faced visitor , and for one frightful moment Breeze felt that she must flee .
9 I had n't asked him how he thought he was going to get in and for one terrible minute I thought he was going to shoot the lock and kick the door in .
10 He took a step towards her and for one heart-stopping moment she thought that he was going to kiss her , and then where would she and her collection of high-minded resolutions be ?
11 It was completely improbable , and for one simple reason : Gillian was n't going to turn into anyone else .
12 EVERY dog has his day … and for one young greyhound , fame and fortune could be just around the next bend .
13 The gulls were wheeling and crying above the parapets of the ornate bridge and for one mad moment I thought that they , too , were engaged in an elaborate mockery .
14 It made him look boyish and oddly vulnerable , and for one crazy moment , she had to stifle an impulse to go to him and smooth it down .
15 His face hardened and for one dreadful moment she thought he was going to turn away .
16 The sputum had decreased and for two successive tests had been negative .
17 They begged him to desist , in order to give them some words of edification , and for two consecutive hours he proceeded to give them excellent exhortations , while at the same time never ceasing his writing — and all the while what he was writing was not the same as what he was speaking .
18 The homosexual is significantly implicated in both sexual and cultural difference , and for two main reasons .
19 The two men had gone out at dawn each morning , and for five consecutive days their huers had run up and down the cliff paths , whistling and signalling with flags and gorse bushes to guide the two fleets to the shoals ; and while everyone in Polruan had confidently expected Sam Gristy to win hands down , it now looked as though Harry had the edge .
20 Responsibility for this and for 14 other explosions in the capital throughout the month was claimed by the Irish Republican Army ( IRA ) .
21 Thus muonic hydrogen is similar to ordinary hydrogen but for two important features .
22 As he reached the door , however , it was opened by a sturdy-looking dame in an old-fashioned working gown of grey wool , covered with a comprehensive apron , and a mob-cap concealing most of her greying hair but for two neat bands at the front parted in the centre .
23 We never did persuade them , but for six valuable hours we managed to hold them on that course far out into the Flores Sea , until finally they came to their senses , noticed the distant and almost invisible shore , and hurriedly tacked towards it again .
24 But for one other person , perhaps , Isambard had cared in his time , before affection changed to anger and hate ; and not even the last and holiest stone cell of all had kept Master Harry safe from his insatiable enmity .
25 But for one Chilean exile , Andres Valenzuela , Thursday will be much like any other day — long , boring and lonely .
26 But for one tiny group of exquisitely beautiful long-distance travellers , the coming journey may prove their last .
27 But for one zany week in March , the place sheds its stay-at-home Cinderella rags , paints its face and gets itself up in motley as Clown Town .
28 He and Branson looked at each other with the candour of two people who know they are utterly different , but for one shared resolution .
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