Example sentences of "[coord] for [adj] [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the question of what pictures are entirely or for practical purposes Bellini 's own is answered largely by personal taste ; there is therefore a considerable divergence of view .
2 The shining Gaggia dispensed one-and-a-half inches of bitter froth into an earthenware cup , and for two shillings lovers could sit for many hours in the dark brown shadows , with a bowl of brown sugar between them .
3 Paper has been smuggled from Croatia on horseback over the mountains which is very dodgy , and for two days Oslobodjenje was printed on blue and yellow paper as the white had run out .
4 And for two days officials from the General Council discussed with the Government the possibility of extending the subsidy .
5 And for two years Pula lived a luxurious life , safe behind a high fence , feeding on imported peanuts , strawberry yoghurt , and fresh vegetables .
6 For those authors completing theses before 1969 , for the most prolific authors , and for ‘ problematic ’ authors ( e.g. those whose citations contained some variations in forenames or initials , so that unambiguous attribution of authorship necessitated further investigation ) , manual searching of BIG was carried out , and for other authors GeoRef was searched online .
7 For those authors completing theses before 1969 , for the most prolific authors , and for ‘ problematic ’ authors ( e.g. those whose citations contained some variations in forenames or initials , so that unambiguous attribution of authorship necessitated further investigation ) , manual searching of BIG was carried out , and for other authors GeoRef was searched online .
8 Although the 10-member commission — led by attorney and former diplomat Warren Christopher — did not link LAPD chief Daryl Gates directly to its findings of misconduct , it called upon him to retire , and for future police chiefs to serve no more than two five-year terms .
9 After Nasser , he says , his themes seemed to refer to a vanished society and for five years Mahfouz wrote no books .
10 The net result was a political atmosphere ‘ in which it became impossible for the police as a whole to avoid a distortion of priorities and for individual police officers it became more and more difficult to disentangle fact from prejudice in assessing those whom they were sent to police ’ ( McCabe and Wallington , 1988:134–5 ) .
11 in philosophy , Jesuit , and for eighteen years host of the television talk show Rencontres told The Art Newspaper , ‘ The museum was in virtual exile at Cité du Havre .
12 As well as being one of the founders of the Automobile Club de France and the Aero Club de France , Salomons was the first director of the City of London Electric Lighting Company and for many years treasurer and vice-president of the Institution of Electrical Engineers .
13 This is a highly unusual feature , and for many years palaeontologists have interpreted cephalapsids using the lamprey as the model .
14 Historically and for many years marina charges were too low .
15 Sedgwick , born in Dent in 1785 and for many years Professor of Geology at Trinity College , Cambridge , and a friend of Wordsworth and Darwin , describes the galleries of Dent vividly and delightfully in his book , A Memorial To Cowgill Chapel 1868 : ‘ The galleries were places of mirth and glee and active happy industry for there might be heard the buzz of the spinning wheel and the hum and the songs of those who were carrying out the labours of the day . ’
16 Great brier hedges grew up around the Palace , and for many months Ireland had no ruler . ’
17 Whatever the reason for the sharing of the horse , the two men kept their transaction-secret and for many months Kilpatrick was thought to be still the sole owner .
18 But most interesting of all is the treatment given to Sidney Lee , described in his obituary as biographer , Professor of English , writer on the place of English literature in the modern university , and for thirty years editor of the Dictionary of National Biography.34 In reviewing Lee 's work , Ernest A. Baker identifies him as the complete " humanist " by virtue of his classical scholarship , his faith in beauty and reason , and his exalted hopes of human progress .
19 Postgraduate special subject courses — However deep a conversion course may go there will always be a need for summer schools and for taught masters courses which investigate a narrower subject to the full depth of current knowledge and seek to probe even deeper .
20 Tessa had turned on the little light on the bedside table , but otherwise the room was in darkness , and for some moments Bob stood by the door , twisting his head backwards and forwards , trying to take the situation in .
21 Experience has shown that the ideal temperature for freshwater tropical community fish is 24°C or 75°F , for marines 27°C or 80°F and for brackish waters 22°C or 72°F .
22 Nevertheless , it must be supposed that there were economic as well as social inducements to the policies of expansion beyond the West Frankish frontiers pursued by the dukes of Normandy , Aquitaine , and even Burgundy , as well as by the counts of Toulouse , Flanders , and for brief periods Blois and Anjou .
23 Workshops were established in Isfahan , Kashan and Tabriz , and for several decades Persia was the most important and influential centre of artistic excellence and learning in the East — comparable to Renaissance Italy in the West — whose most profound and abiding expression was to be found in the carpets it produced .
24 John Storey , two , was rushed to hospital critically ill with stomach and throat burns and for several days doctors fought to save his life .
25 The Platinum Award has become a regular feature of Edinburgh College of Art 's jewellery curriculum and for several years students from the section have made it to the finals — frequently winning at least one of the prizes .
26 Comparatively speaking the level of oil dependence is low , at 42% in 1983 but the picture is distorted by the high level of coal consumption in South Africa ( one of the largest energy consumers ) and for most countries oil dependence is high .
27 But for many cities jealousy of Milan was as powerful as hatred of the emperor 's control , and a rival faction formed under Pavia which was for a time loyal to Frederick — a map of the two teams shows in a fascinating way how difficult it was to love one 's neighbour in this world of riotous freedom and traditional internecine feuds .
28 So much has changed , but for many women writers that cry is eternal .
29 Nowadays we can judge the sound from the advantage of good quality roundwound strings , but for many years flat/tapewound strings with their poor magnetic response and rapid note decay were the only option .
30 It is in the heart of Manchester , but for many years industry and commerce have been moving away from the city centre , increasing the risk that only a lifeless core will be left .
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