Example sentences of "[coord] was [adj] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Tony left the Picture Group and joined Jocelyne Benzakin 's agency because he wanted to continue to work on projects and was impressed with what she does and her perceptions of photography .
2 The Director of Studies expressed an interest in how much three dimensional ( 3D ) work was included in pupils ' experience and was dissatisfied with what he was told .
3 Lady Cynthia ( like Elizabeth ) had lately been to Haworth and was delighted with it : ‘ I shall write a new book about the Brontës , Three Lucky Girls , ’ she remarked .
4 At that moment I glimpsed myself in a shop window and was pleased with what I saw .
5 I looked down at his body , and was pleased with what I had done .
6 He looked about him and was pleased with what he saw .
7 She had to find her own way to the bathroom and was pleased with herself for so quickly remembering that it lay at the end of the passage .
8 I had no fear of him and was pleased with my own ingenuity .
9 He seemed to have resolved his sexual hang-ups for the time being and was content with his lonely existence .
10 She opened her mouth and was ready with her invitation that they dine at her hotel , but as the thought that winged in from nowhere that Ven was probably hitting the high spots in Prague that night — and with some lovely Czech lady in tow , she would n't wonder — Fabia , with not the least idea of what a koliba was , promptly did a switch .
11 The young man and his sister went hunting in the wild woods , and the little tailor , whose inclination did not lie that way , stayed by the hearth and was merry with them in the evenings .
12 She did cry a little , almost soundlessly , and was furious with herself for doing so , her tears mingling with the spray of the shower .
13 Sabine tried to sound non-committal and was furious with herself for blushing .
14 ‘ How are you ? ’ he asked , and was annoyed with himself for sounding so effusive .
15 He felt a little snubbed and was angry with himself .
16 He had been arguing with the police , and was angry with them .
17 Kathleen flushed and was angry with herself for it and for allowing her sister to get the better of her again .
18 She did not want to show Bridget the photograph , and was angry with herself for this uncharacteristic piece of selfishness .
19 With his broad shoulders , bright cheerful countenance and easy manner , Harry made an excellent companion and was popular with everyone .
20 Bevan was described by Charles Cross as ‘ genial and generous ’ and was popular with his fellow chemists .
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