Example sentences of "[coord] is it [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Or is it possible to complete a 20 mile circular walk by going along the coast path via St David 's Head , St Justinian , Porth Clais and Caerfai .
2 Is that on the level , or is it just Act Three in Mr. Bonanza 's little play ? ’
3 Or is it supposed to do something ? ’
4 One will not arrive at the concept ‘ mass ’ through observation alone , however closely one scrutinizes colliding billiard-balls , weights on springs , orbiting planets , etc. , nor is it possible to teach others the meaning of mass merely by pointing to such events .
5 Nor is it possible to say with confidence how much of the increase is due to melting glaciers and how much to thermal expansion .
6 Nor is it possible to say what percentage of cases might be attributable to food , because nobody has even attempted to find out .
7 Nor is it possible to have a membrane with pores of just the right size to allow in needed substances from outside but not let essential substances escape , if only because the cell may need to retain some small molecules , and admit some larger ones .
8 It is never possible to be certain what the situation would have been in the absence of any such policy nor is it possible to know what the outcome of a different policy might have been .
9 Nor is it possible to capture one 's experience by the idea of a bare subject .
10 For instance in general , it is not possible for most goods to trade present amounts of them for future amounts nor is it possible to make such contracts conditional on some outside events like the weather .
11 Nor is it possible to imagine the Regent allowing such a hideous series of plates to be made to commemorate his coronation , though , to be fair , even Regency designers might have had trouble making an elegant plate incorporating a photographic portrait of the old reprobate .
12 It is not possible nor is it appropriate to ignore behaviour that involves breaking toys , destroying furniture , or hurting others .
13 Nor is it appropriate to call them ‘ characteristic activities ’ .
14 Nor is it appropriate to exclude all that is so described .
15 The provision of single-sex schools is not unlawful ; nor is it unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of sex in relation to admission to a single-sex school .
16 Nor is it helpful to argue or get angry about it .
17 Nor is it unreasonable to assume that given a sufficient respite they hoped that Britain 's own nuclear force might become strong enough to act as a deterrent to a Soviet attack on the home islands .
18 But there is no obligation to keep rigidly to this rule ; nor is it necessary to take examinations at all the grades .
19 This technique has the advantages that you do n't have to paint or draw anything ; nor is it necessary to tidy up the edges of the wall hanging as this can add to the haphazard effect .
20 This means that the user does not hag to specify that a legend is required , nor is it necessary to give any detailed instructions on the placement of the legend .
21 Some people have felt that this borrowing from Dorothy and others shows a certain egotism on Wordsworth 's part , but it was his method as an artist to absorb things into himself , and think of them for a long period before writing them down ; nor is it necessary to maintain , in any case , that the ‘ I ’ of a Wordsworth poem is necessarily the poet himself — it may stand as a universal shorthand symbol with which the reader can equally identify .
22 She borrows Geoffrey of Vinsauf 's example ‘ the meadows laugh ’ , and comments that while ‘ laugh ’ may be interpreted as ‘ are full of flowers ’ , this interpretation ‘ is not stated , nor is it necessary to guess it … .
23 Nor is it necessary to know any of x 's relational properties in order to understand what it is for it to be round-shaped or metal .
24 That does not have to be decided in this case , nor is it necessary to consider what defences would be open to such a claim for recovery of the money paid if it lay .
25 Nor is it easy to say whether the number of towns or the size of the biggest is the better index of urban development .
26 There is no logical or necessary developmental sequence involved in either case , nor is it easy to see what research might support such orderings .
27 Nor is it easy to see on what basis a stricter protection for the wife should have been demanded by the facts in Shears and Sons Ltd. v. Jones than was demanded by the facts in Howes v. Bishop [ 1909 ] 2 K.B .
28 Nor is it easy to decide which expectations are realistic .
29 Complete freedom is not necessarily a good thing , as the newly retired often discover , nor is it easy to use effectively .
30 Nor is it easy to correct for this .
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