Example sentences of "[coord] is [adv] [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 Linda Nicholson is a member of the London Fortepiano Trio and is widely regarded as a leading fortepiano player .
2 Barley straw is soft and palatable , and is widely used as bulk feed for beef cattle .
3 Making improvements to existing , uninsulated , timber or concrete floors is likely to be highly disruptive and prohibitively expensive , and is best done as part of a major renovation programme .
4 Workers ' behaviour , he argues , is really a response to managerial control , and is best understood as a counter-attempt to assert workers ' own control ( 1963 , p.6 ) .
5 American Technologies set up shop in Warsaw in 1990 , and is best known as one of two local distributors of printers from IBM Corp spin-out Lexmark International Inc .
6 Though it 's dotted with snappy slogans , the whole thing is less slangy than before , and is best described as cyberpunk prose poetry .
7 St Sophia still survives and is generally accepted as one of the great buildings of antiquity .
8 Pentecost , the seventh Sunday after Easter , commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and is generally known as Whitsunday .
9 Such information is often laboriously collected by literature-searching and is conventionally processed as text .
10 Though this comes in for constant robust internal criticism and revision , it is more thorough than that of many professional advice and counselling organizations and is increasingly used as a model by other organizations .
11 Doug Williams , a manager in the bank 's insurance group , says the operation has been profitable for the past two years and is already seen as a significant part of Chase 's retail service .
12 Guidance about further reading can be given so that learning continues and is not viewed as a once and for all matter .
13 The ‘ guide ’ is just that and is not intended as a rigid rule .
14 In practice , information gained by interception is only used for the purpose of assisting police or Security Service investigations , and is not tendered as evidence in court .
15 Put another way , the state is seen as divorced from any one class and is not regarded as the cohesive instrument of the economically powerful ( there is no ruling class ) ; the state is not a biased " establishment " serving only itself ; and the very fragmentation of the state provides for multiple access points for all interest groups .
16 At present , however , this technique is very infrequently applicable to cardiac arrest survivors and is not recommended as sole therapy for this patient group .
17 So , the next mention of " Mars ' appears familiar to most ( 76% ) of the readers , and is not marked as a focused SF entity .
18 The ES/9000–820 is a new generation of technology compared to the 600J and is colloquially known as a ‘ Summit ’ class machine .
19 It is of flamboyant design , and is locally known as Wainhouse Tower .
20 As Hadrian 's villa is much more than a villa , so Diocletian 's palace is more like a town and is also designed as a fortress .
21 The former means that the machine recognises the writing while the user writes , and is also known as dynamic or real-time recognition , although the recognition will lag behind the writer to a certain extent .
22 This is the rate of interest expressed in money terms and is also known as the money rate of interest .
23 It is a meeting room for the youth club and other sections within the community , such as the indoor bowls , and is also used as ‘ the dining room ’ for the local school .
24 Each of the major kingdoms appear to have had such trading centres in the eighth century ( Hodges 1982a ; Biddle 1976 ) , even an inland centre such as Northampton was a royal centre and is also described as a trading centre .
25 The central idea of social solidarity , for example , is never clearly defined and is simply accepted as the foundation of the theory .
26 It has burned down three times and is today known as Her Majesty 's .
27 Without entering into the fine detail of what is required for a system of institutional international law it is clear that merely historically-established conventions followed according to the discretion of the participants in international relationships between states is insufficient to constitute law and is better regarded as a form of anarchy .
28 Participatory democracy necessarily has implications for social life , and is better regarded as a way of life than as no more than a political device or method .
29 For this kind of caring is often seen as the dignified proper response to long years of partnership and is realistically faced as a price that can be gladly paid for past happiness .
30 A historical emphasis in biogeography prevailed during the 1960s in particular and is collectively described as Quaternary ecology by Simmons ( 1980 ) .
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