Example sentences of "[coord] it is [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now legislation arises either from major political commitments made by the Cabinet ( or earlier by the Shadow Cabinet while the party was in opposition ) , or it is of a more routine nature and comes from within the departments when they find their existing powers insufficient or inappropriate for the conduct of administration along accepted lines .
2 ‘ Scripture ’ he said ‘ puts the great Commission from Jesus right at the heart of the Christian faith , or it is for every disciple ’ .
3 Either the contract is between the person acquiring a copy of the system ( the " acquirer " ) and the dealer or it is between the acquirer and the software company in which case the dealer acts as the company 's agent .
4 Or it is like the light pictures that enter the eyes lenses and escape into the vastness of the tundra and like ice crystals on the windows , they freeze and become the light flowers that bloom on the endless snow fields .
5 and it is off the eastern coast of Australia .
6 The White paper goes into some detail as to how these objectives are to be achieved and it is beyond the scope of this volume to go over them in detail .
7 Happily , such problems are not insoluble and it is towards a stage where we are able to make sense out of sometimes enigmatic statements by fans that a discovery procedure is directed .
8 But 20 years after Man About The House , Paula Wilcox is appearing in theatre in Liverpool and it is through a deliberate choice .
9 Act Three reveals the deity actually resident within believers , and it is through the Spirit that this takes place .
10 Now , as we 've said earlier on the Holy Spirit works in the new birth and it is through the work of the Holy Spirit that we come to know God .
11 The physical act of training breaks down part of the muscle exercised , and it is during the next 24–72 hours that the muscles recover and begin to grow .
12 There is the whole of the Brixen and Sperten valleys to explore , and it is about a ninety minutes walk to Kitzbuhel .
13 The ‘ something else ’ that happens in meetings is sometimes called the informal structure and it is about the politics of decision-making .
14 It is from the Devonshire County newspaper , and it is about the death of Sir Charles Baskerville . ’
15 Buddhism started with being morality without worship ; and it is as a system of morality , but of morality as being of inherent obligation , that Buddhism claims to be reckoned among the religions of the world .
16 Gareth Jenkins possessed one of the outstanding talents of his Seventies ' generation but injury prevented it demonstration at the very highest level and it is as a Scarlet , the epitome of Llanelli as player and coach , that he has always been seen and highly regarded .
17 It is a tribute not only to the management at Yarrow but to the workers , who have spent a long time removing ill-considered demarcation practices — and it is as a shipbuilder that I say that .
18 The Prelude , which is , in fact , the nearest thing to the great philosophical poem which Coleridge hoped Wordsworth would produce , was mostly written while Coleridge was in Malta , and it is as an exposition of Wordsworth 's ideas that we must read it ; for Coleridge , as we shall see , had already begun to return to orthodox Christianity and in 1803 was shocked at Wordsworth 's irreverence : ‘ O dearest William !
19 He served for three years , originally as chairman , and it is as the first chairman of the future Labour party that he achieved his principal prominence in labour history .
20 And it is with every confidence that I tell you I am sure that this young couple will have a very happy marriage , and I would ask you to join me in wishing them both a long , happy , and prosperous future together .
21 From afar it looks like the classical volcanic cone and it is with a mounting sense of excitement that I climb the last section of loose lava gravel and sharp , welded lava rock .
22 The real interest of the past , he wrote , ‘ lies in the answer to the question , How did the ordinary undistinguished man live ? … and it is with a view to providing posterity with an addition to such all too scanty materials that the papers … have been embodied in permanent form . ’
23 The Rowdies group provided by far the widest range of available roles , and it is with a discussion of these that we start .
24 And it is with the statistical evaluation of leys that there is most controversy and where much work still needs doing .
25 These are still only ideas and it is at a later stage that they become language .
26 In these days when party politics have entered so fully into local government , nominations to committees frequently come from the political groups of the council and it is at the group meetings of the council that a new member should stake his claim for membership of particular committees of his choice .
27 The company 's main business is in sheet fed offset and it is at the forefront of printing on recycled paper .
28 All men at Maidstone are long sentence prisoners , serving more than four years , and it is at the top end of the scale , with life sentence prisoners , that Maidstone performs its second specialist task .
29 Learning takes place through successive cycles of assimilation and accommodation ; and it is at the accommodative phase that this clearer vision is needed .
30 And it is at the moment because nobody 's buying any goods .
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